Chapter 6- Turning In Circles

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The weights in my hands started to make my arms tremble. Something inside me told me to stop, but I kept going.


That's the only thing I felt now. The baby was starting to take it's toll on me. Keeping distracted kept me away from the small pain I had in my lower stomach.

"Hailey," a low voice sounded warning, "I wouldn't lift weights if I were you."

"Leave me alone Hesh," I snapped, but set the bar on the hooks above me.

"Here," Hesh handed me a water bottle.

Taking it gladly, I took a few swigs before sighing. "What do you want?"

"Just checking in on how you're doing," Hesh shrugged. "That's all."

"How is he?" I wondered.

"Quiet," Hesh blinked. "He's out on a mission with Kick right now. That's all he ever seems to be doing."

"He's trying to keep distracted," I pointed out.

Dipping his head in agreement, Hesh took my hand and stood me up. "You want to go on a mission?"

"Are you kidding?" I looked down at my stomach. "I probably won't even fit into my uniform."

"At five months pregnant," Hesh shook his head. "Maybe not."

We both laughed.


"Did you hear that?" I looked at Hesh.

"It sounds like a-

The wall next to us exploded. I wrapped my arms around Hesh and put up a forcefield. Looking up, I suddenly felt a pain in my arm.

"Hailey!" Hesh coughed twice.

Once the smoke and dust cleared slightly, I widened my eyes. A gun barrel in front of my face made me stop breathing.

"I told you I'd come for you," Rorke said evilly.

"Get out of here Hailey!" Hesh tried to get up and fight, but Rorke shot his knee.

"No!" I cried out.

"You're coming with me!" Rorke grabbed my arm and then started out the hole in the wall.

Once we reached the open I blinked, covering my eyes from the sun, to see a small battlefield forming. Trying to get away from Rorke, I felt him quickly and easily put me in a headlock.

"Logan! David! Kick!" I pleaded. My next word came out more of a whisper, "Keegan."

Shoving me towards a chopper on top of the roof above where we had been just moments ago, Rorke signaled the pilot to go.

"Let her go!" a yell made Rorke shove me up on the helicopter.

"Keegan!" I screamed over the chopper.

He jumped up and grabbed onto the bottom of the helicopter as it lifted up, but only slipped when Rorke stepped on his fingers. Looking up at me, I saw guilt and sadness in his blue eyes. I tried to send a message in his mind.

Go somewhere safe. Hide, fight, and do whatever it takes to stay alive.

As if understanding me, Keegan nodded slowly and then ran off the helicopter pad.


"It's been a long, long time," Rorke sat across from me at a table.

He seemed so....nice about me with him. I was still so confused on how he was alive. His lifeless body had been sitting in front of me.

"How is your ass alive?" I growled, not touching the food in front of me.

"I thought you knew," Rorke stood up. "Why don't we take a walk?"

Slowly standing up, I walked cautiously next to Rorke. He still looked perfectly alive.

"I guess you could call it a holoform," Rorke started. "It had been perfected by many armies, so I used it. You never really killed me, only my holoform."

"You've been alive this whole time?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," Rorke smiled devilishly. "And I knew what was coming for you and Keegan. So I waited so I could take you."

"You're announcing so many of your plans," I pointed out.

"That's because," Rorke wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "you are with me now. A Federation."

I looked helplessly out at the land surrounding us. Federation people were fixing helicopters, tanks, jets- any war machine, weapon, or tool you could think of.

"Where are we?" I asked slowly.

"Somewhere where no one-especially those Ghosts- are going to find us," Rorke was close to my face and I tried to pull away. "We're going to destroy them together you know."

"Never," I hissed and Rorke smirked.

"You need discipline, huh? I can get you into shape real quick."


Hesh's POV:

"Can't you slow down a little bit, Keegan?" Kick pleaded next to me.

"No," Keegan continued to lead us through the woods. "We need to keep moving."

He was convinced he was getting us out of trouble. Hailey had "told" him to leave the base, but I figured it was just his imagination because of how much he missed her already. I knew Hailey was gone.

"Where are we going exactly?" I murmured to Logan.

Logan seemed to study Keegan for a moment before replying, "an old cottage deep in the woods. Him and Hailey found it before when they were exploring."

"Do you think he's going to try to get her back?"

"Of course," Logan blinked, his eyes still focused on Keegan. "They may have been fighting and made up a little bit, but that doesn't mean they're not married."

"You sound so wise, Logan," I commented and Logan chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever."


Sorry it's short, but I updated a lot recently. :/

So, the next chapter is going to take a little longer and be bigger. :)

Until next time lovelies!

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