This time it was worse. Somehow they found out about my crush on hailey and threatened me. They said " if you go near her again I'm gonna make sure you wished you were never born,go die in a hole you worthless piece of trash. I don't know what I did to make them say that. It's getting to the point where I dont want to go to school and my mother is getting suspicious of what's going on. She keeps insisting that I tell her the truth as to what is going on, but I'm scared. There is nothing I can do to get them to stop even if I tell on them,they will haunt my dreams like they always have,those dreams wont leave me even if they do stop.i feel so worthless , I feel so worthless I feel like if I just end my life it will be better.
Dear diary
Randoma girl by the name carla writes in her diary about several things.she is the bullied lonely girl and she finds comfort in her diary that is until she meets hailey.