The Scream

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That sound made me nearly choke on my breakfast, which consisted of eggs, bacon and toast with melted butter.  I am not kidding when I say that I nearly shat my pants when that... scream... happened so suddenly.  I mean, anyone who would have been in my shoes would have shat their pants if they heard a scream like that come out of nowhere.  Unfortunately, not even 30 have passed when another scream, much like the first one, vibrated throughout the apartment complex only this time, it was much louder.


When the screaming stopped, I was able to decipher how it sounded: it sounded like a female but there was something off about it, although I wasn't able to pinpoint it.  What I am trying to say is that it sounded wrong, like it wasn't natural in a way.


That scream made me jump in my chair and I decided that I was going to find out what the fuck was going on up there.  You see, I live in an apartment complex that consisted of only 2 apartments: I live in the bottom one while an elderly couple lived in the one on the top floor.  The couple names were Maria and Johnny Copperton.  If you think they are the type of elderly couple who were always cranky and scream at kids to get out of their lawn or whatever, you would be wrong.  They were the most kind - hearted and innocent couple who I made friends with something after moving in 2 years ago.

I remember the first time Maria invited me over to have dinner with her and Johnny and let me tell you; they know how to cook a heavenly - blessed steak, a steak that would make all the steak cooking professionals all jealous.

After getting my shoes on, I didn't bother to put socks on because I was a bit lazy, I exited out of my apartment.  The entrance to their apartment was to the left side of the building so I walked to the left side of the complex where there was a metal stairway that led to their front door and I began to descend.  I was only halfway up the stairs when I noticed their front door was cracked halfway open.

Now if I remember correctly, there was never a time where the Copperton couple have ever left their front door halfway open.  Something in the back of my brain that was saying to me 'something is wrong, horribly wrong' and I agreed with it.

Then, it happened... the scream.


Now that I was outside and the fact that the door was open, the scream was much clearer and after it ended, I felt my heart skip a beat when I realized that the scream had some kind of unholy tone to it.  It was indeed female but it sounded like it came from the pits of Hell.  I continued up the stairs.

Eventually, I reached the top and pulled the door fully open and entered inside.  As soon as I entered the apartment, I noticed that there was a chill in the air.  Keep in mind that it was in the middle of July and the Copperton couple had no air conditioners at all so it made no sense at all.  Nonetheless, that didn't prevent an unnerving chill that went up my spine from this.  I then proceeded to walk to the living to the living room all the while, I felt my heart going like a hundred beats per minute.

I entered the living room and in the urge to scream and I felt sick to my stomach.  Sitting in the two rocking chairs were the bodies of Maria and Johnny!!  Their skin appeared to be pale white, almost as pale as the Moon itself.  Their eyes looked like they rolled into the back of their heads and their mouths were gaped open as if they were going to scream but were cut off before it could happen.  To top it off, maggots were crawling out of their mouths and just the sight of it made me want to vomit every bit of my breakfast that I made not too long ago.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I was confused as to why this happened.  Not because of why they were dead but rather because of what caused their deaths.  There was no signs of any physical assault, it was like something scared them so bad that they just died from the shock and fear.  Then, I heard a voice coming from behind me.  Beads of sweat began to drip from my forehead and I know it was from the fear that was coursing through my body.

"Turn around"

I turned around...



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