First Day Of School

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I woke up in the early my new home, my new city, state, busts for me. It's LA, it was a whole new world for me. My house was probably as big as my old elementary school, and my room was as big as my old living room. It's only been 2 weeks we've been here, and todays the first day of school....well, for me. It's already stinkin' October. Ugh.....I got out of bed, went to do my morning routine, and ran downstairs and out the door to the busstop.

My busstop was full of teenagers, well obviously I'm in high school. (Well in real life Im in 8th grade, Judge me .__.) I was dressed in skinny jeans, a tight camisoule, my air force Jordans, and my light jean jacket. I stood there, pushing my glasses up, waiting for the yellow ride to arive. All of a sudden, this group of boys started staring at me, whistling and saying "Ooooh....daaang shawty!". I hid my smile in my journal I keep with me. "Lil Mama, you aint gotta hide that cute little dimple in yo smile!" One of them said. I was so tantalized to talk to them, but I was just so nervous, I didn't want to ruin my first day for saying something stupid. My bestfriend Katrina would have said "Girl, those boys are fawwiiinnneee! Let's go talk to them!!".......I missed Katrina, well Trina for short. Trina and I have been best friends since....before we were even born! Our mothers were best friends. OUR GRANDMOTHERS were best friends!! At my old school, I was one of those loudest and craziest kids there, and everyone just laughed "with" me.

The bus finally came. I got on, and all of a sudden, all of these eyes were glued onto me. Like, what are yall staring at?! I nervously walked down the aisle, and every boy on the bus kept their eyes glued on me, checking me out, biting there lips. And then there were the girls who just gave me their stank faces and rolled their eyes at me like I did something. I sat in a nice empty seat in the back, and plugged my earphones in, and started writting.

The school I was attending was HUMUNGOUS!!! I got off the bus as quickly as I could and headed inside, where alot of students fled the hallways trying to get to their lockers and classes. I scanned around the halls, trying to look for the office, and something caught my eye. Right across the hall, I saw a boy, standing there, his eyes glowing, his lips so juicy, and a little taller than me. He just stood there staring at me, leaning against the locker. I mean, the other boys stare at me, but he was no ordinary. He was smiling at me a little bit. I was about to walk up to him and then-

"HEY!! Are you new girl?!" A girl said as she stepped in front of me. "Um....yea....." I replied. "Hi, I'm Raquella-Ann Sophia-Marie Prees......but you call me Raquel." She said in a Hispanic accent. This girl has alot of names! Reminds me of my other friend Javier. "Hi, I'm J-j-Jazz...." "Welcome to LA! Aren't you like from.....Massachusetts?" She asked. "Yes, yes I am." "Well LA's going to be a paradise for you and family. This place, awesome, especially in summer." " thanks, I should get going to the office to get my stuff. I'll see you around, Raquel." I said as I left. I think Raquel hasn't learned full English yet, but oh well.

"Umm....Siolorin?" The secretary called. "Siryon." I said as I got up and followed her into the principal's office. "Hello Jazz. Welcome to Tumberwen High School. I'm principal Walsh." The lady said. "Take a seat......."

"So here's your ID, and your're all set!" She said, handing me a mini package with my stuff in it. "Thank you." I said, as got up from the seat, shook her hand, and left the office. I took out my schuedule...."Homeroom, English, Math, Spanish, History, Health Ed., Lunch, Science,.....Chorus? YES!!!" I said to myself. And then the bell rang. I looked at my first class on the Tuesday row, and read Mr. Lere, Room 114. I walked down the hall looking for the class.... "Room 102, 104......112, room 114......Oh here we go." I entered the class and all eyes shot at me. I just walked up to the teachers desk and there sat a caucasian man, in his 50's probably, brown hair, full grown beard. "Um...M-m-Mr. L-ere?" I studdered. "Well hello there you must be the new student!" He said as he stood and shook my hand. "Class, we have a new student, this is Jazz!....and she's from Boston!" I just faked smiled and then sat in the empty seat in the back. And then I saw the boy from the hallway. I looked at him as I sat down. He turned to me and smirked a little then looked back up at the teacher. He was so hot! Oh my gosh his lucious lips, his short cut hair. "H-h-hi." I greeted him. "Hey, I'm Jacob-" then Mr. Lere had inturrupted. "Excuse me Mr. Latimore, you can flirt with Jazz during lunch, not during attendance." Everyone snickered a little. Jacob sunk into his seat, embarrased and putting his hand on his head. I smiled a little, rubbing my arm, and then I turned back to him and mouthed "Im sorry." He smiled and mouthed back "It's cool."

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