Getting Closer

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I sat in my room at my desk and did my homework. I kept thinking to myself about what I saw at Dairy Queen. I closed my science book and took out my Iphone to call Katrina.

"OMG GIRL I MISS YOU!! HOW YOU BEEN!??! HOW'S LA!?!" I heard from her. Yes she's my also loud bestfriend.

"Everything's good actually. I made some friends-" "You meet any cute boys?!?! TELL ME!" I giggled and shook my head. "I met 2. One was my friend's stepbrother...long story, and there's this one guy named Jacob in my homeroom, math, chorus and spanish. I actually just back from playing basketball with him at the cour-" then she inturrupted me again. "Were ya'll alone?! TELL ME!!" I laughed louder. I keep my patience with her because I know how she is. "Yes we were alone. But then he...." I continued on talking about how he was a very shy boy at school and no one talks to him, and how me and Jacob had fallen and kissed and the football dudes, and the Dairy Queen conflict.

"OOOOOH GIRL!! YALL KISSED AND YALL JUST MET?! THIS IS FUUNNKKYYYY!!!!" she joked. I started cracking up and I fell on my bed. "I mean, we don't date, but.....I guess we're getting closer as just 'friends'." I replied. Then I heard a beep in my ear from my phone. "Hold on a sec Trina." I put her on hold and answered the call I was recieving.

"Hello?" I asked. "Hey's....Roc....." the voice said. Roc, my ex boyfriend. We all call him Roc. He never told us his real name. I don't know why. "Ooh....hi....Roc....what's up?" "Nun....I'm just calling to see how you were doing......and.....uh....." he kinda paused for a moment and sighed. "I...I kinda miss you even kinda, I really miss you." "I know that, everyone misses me. You're not the only one." "Jazz listen, I don't just miss you because you moved, I miss you because I miss you being my girl." I froze for a moment. Is this dude foreal?! Did he not remember what he had did to break my heart?!


We were at the beach, it was real sunny outside. Me, Katrina, Javier and Roc were messing around playing volleyball and swinging each other around in the water. It was a great way to end the summer before I left for California. Then I felt warm hands around my torso and kisses planted on my cheek. "I gonna miss you so much baby." Roc said. "I'm gonna miss you too." I turned around and we wrapped each other in our arms. I could feel his muscles touching me and his abs against my stomach. And his soft adorable face digging inside my shoulder and neck. And then he looked at me straight in the eye and said "I love you Jazz". "I love you too Roc". He leaned in and kissed me on my lips. I had kissed back and enjoyed the moment.

A few minutes after, we had went to go to lunch at Lobster Hut. We grubbed on some lobster bits and ooohhhh it was sooooo delicious. "I'll be back, gotta go to the bathroom." Roc said as he got up from his seat and walked to the hallway. I looked next to me and saw his phone sitting there. Just then I heard it vibrate, and a message popped up. "Hey baby, when are we going out tonight? Thought you dumped that little creep" it read..........Katrina looked at me, confused and then down at the phone and she saw the text. "Um....whooaa! Who was that?" She asked. "It says........DESTINY?!" I panicked. Destiny is our worst enemy. I can't stand her at all. I can't believe Roc was cheating on me. I don't even leave for another 3-4 weeks and he's tryna make my move harder! Just then he walked back, looking all innocent and smiling hard. "I'm baaaaack." He said cheesing hard. I gave him my angry glare. Oh he knows about that angry glare. "What?" He asked. Then Katrina looked at him and folded her arms. Javier just sat there, and just played along and folded his arms too, but had no clue what had happened. " Destiny texting you..... calling you baby......, and saying yall are going out tonight, and why is she asking you if you've dumped me yet?"

I said in my calm but angry voice. "What are you talking about? Why are you looking through my phone!?" Then Katrina inturrupted. "OBVIOUSLEEEEEEEEEEE Your PHONE pops up the MESSAGE before you UNLOCK IT!" She said giving him that angry glare. "That's how we saw it." "'s my lab partner...." he lied. "Oh what happened to us Roc?! We're bros, lab partners! What's the big idea man?!" Javier said. Roc sunk in his seat. Tears fell from my eyes. I couldn't believe it. "J-j-jazz bab-" "No! Don't you DARE call me baby! I cannot believe you! I haven't even left yet! And you do this to me before I leave!? What's the matter with you Roc?! I thought you loved me and hated Destiny?!" "I do bab-" I grabbed the butter bowl and dumped it on his head and left.

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