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Winter had slowly crept into Konoha over the past week. Sen was bundled up in thick robes as she trudged through the light snow on her way to Madara's office. He had sent a hawk to her earlier in the morning with a note attached that asked her to come by.

As she walked through the village, she remembered for the millionth time her and Madara's declarations of love for one another. His soothing voice telling her that he loved her had sent a ripple of warmth throughout her body that she could feel even now upon simply recalling the words.

Her happiness came with immense guilt as well. Sen could not shake her encounter with Mina. Since that night, her older sister had drawn into herself once more, allowing Sen in but only to a superficial extent. Even against the odds, Sen remained hopeful and steadfast in finding a way to help Mina. Killing her older brother was her initial idea; however, for obvious reasons that would have to be a last resort.

She reached Madara's office and entered without knocking as she greeted him cheerily. He looked up from his paperwork and spoke with a smile, "Good morning, darling." Madara met her in the middle of the room and gave her a small peck on the lips.

"You sent for me. Is everything alright?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting together in worry.

He nodded to ease her worry and responded, "All is well. I just wanted to speak with you for a moment."

They sat across from one another at the coffee table while Madara poured two cups of tea. Sen sipped the hot beverage slowly and allowed it to warm her cold bones. The man across from her did the same; however, his mind was hyper focused on the true reason he wanted Sen to come by. He had never imagined this was something he would do, but then again, many things had happened the past few months that he would have never dreamed of.

"Sen," he cooed. "I have a question to ask you."

"Mhmm," the girl hummed with her lips pressed against the rim of her tea cup.

"Would you like to meet my clan?"

Wide pale eyes looked at Madara in shock. Sen had not expected this in the least, but she was pleased as she nodded. "It would be an honor to become more acquainted with the Uchiha clan."

The corners of Madara's eyes crinkled while he smiled. He's so cute, she thought happily.

As the days passed, Sen's nerves grew exponentially. What if they don't like me? What if they use their Sharingan on me? No, that would never happen... Madara would never let them hurt me. But still, they may not like me. I am an outsider after all.

The morning of the clan's celebration, Sen nervously made her way through the thick snow to the Uchiha compound. All of her thoughts continued to scroll through her mind, making her knees weaker as she reached the gates. Her eyes glanced up to the Uchiha clan's crest before she let out a long breath.

"Nervous?" Madara's familiar voice chimed.

Her eyes snapped to him. He looked so handsome as his dark features stood in stark contrast against the white landscape. Sen shrugged and whispered, "Maybe a bit."

Madara offered his arm to her, which she gladly accepted and linked with her own. They walked into a large building adorned with the red and white paper fan. From inside, Sen heard chatter and laughter that eased her anxieties a bit.

Upon entering, all of their black eyes fell onto Sen and Madara. The Uchiha bowed at their appearance before several elders made their way to the couple.

"Madara," the gravelly voice of an old man acknowledged the leader. "May we have the pleasure of being introduced to your companion?"

Madara nodded as he introduced Sen to the group of elders. They were welcoming of the Hyuga woman and even commented on her dojutsu and the history between the Byakugan and Sharingan. She was thankful for the compliments of the Uchiha elders. It made her feel a bit more at ease as Madara whirled her around the celebration.

They sampled foods at the different vendors, looked over the trinkets that the merchants were selling, and then stopped at a flower cart. Madara plucked a beautiful white calla lily from the cart and tried to pay the merchant, who refused to accept the leader's coin. He thanked them before snapping the stem in half and tucking it behind Sen's ear. He winked and whispered, "To match those lovely eyes of yours."

"Thank you, Madara," she cooed with a gleaming smile on her face.

Suddenly, two of Sen's favorite little Uchiha popped up. They stampeded to the woman and threw their arms around her waist, burying their heads in her robes. Sen was almost taken off balance by the two; however, Madara's strong arm had wrapped around her to keep her upright. He smiled at the sight of the kids clinging to Sen as he thought about the future and having his own family with the woman. The mere concept brought immense joy to him.

With Karasu and Yama in close tow, the group continued to mingle about. Sen met so many Uchiha that she couldn't even begin to remember their names; however, they had (for the most part) been very kind to her and for that she was grateful. As the day drug on, people began to slowly disperse, signalling the end of the event.

Sen stepped out into the harsh cold with Madara and her boys before thanking them all for a wonderful day. She kissed the top of Karasu and Yama's heads while they crushed her in hugs and then darted off to continue their mischief. Meanwhile, Madara quietly pulled her close to him and whispered softly in the crook of her neck, "Don't go. Stay with me, please."

"How could I ever say no?" she replied, running her fingers through his soft black hair and pressing her lips gently to his neck.

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Quarantine day 16: I have mastered chakra control

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Quarantine day 16: I have mastered chakra control. I can now walk up walls.

Also, I began a book of Naruto short stories! Check it out on my profile!

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