Rachel Elizabeth Dare

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It's short, I know. It just a small Drabble about Rachel and her view on Percabeth over the years.

I'm Rachel Elizabeth Dare and I'm the Oracle at Camp Half-blood. Most people think I became the oracle because I'm clear sighted, probably because I told them that. But I'd never admit the real reason as to why I did.

Percy Jackson. He's the reason. I still remember the day I met that dorky son of Poseidon. Down at Hoover Dam when I was only trying to go to the bathroom peacefully. But no, a crazed looking kid cut me off and he was holding a sword.

To be honest, I thought of him as annoying at first but I wouldn't lie, he was pretty cute. But then I didn't see him for another year when we coincidently started going to the same high school. That was when I fell for him.

But then I met her. Annabeth Chase and I knew that it would be a challenge getting Percy to be mine. The way they looked at each other, like they'd been through so much together, even though they had. It was going to be a difficult task.

She wasn't the nicest person. Snippy and bossy, always acting like she knew everything and that she was above everyone else. Which she kind of was but that doesn't mean I liked it. All the time I felt like screaming at her to shut up but I kept it in for Percy. I knew she was his best friend, next to Grover. 

Then I kissed him. Right before he left to fight in the Battle of Manhattan. I didn't know if I would ever see him again so I made my move. Percy didn't kiss back. Maybe it was because I pulled away too fast or because he didn't like me in that way. Probably the latter. I saw the way he looked at Annabeth.

It was obvious that Percy Jackson was head over heels for Annabeth Chase.

And my point was proven when I got the news that they were dating the night after I became the oracle. Of course, I knew it was going to happen right after the war which is why I decided to become a maiden, eternally. Sworn off boys or any kind of romance forever.

I won't lie and say that it's easy for me to see Percy and Annabeth running around camp, holding hands, hugging, kissing, any sort of affection. Every time I saw them together, it hurt. The way Percy looked into Annabeth's eyes, pure love in his own, I had a surge of jealousy. Why couldn't he look at me like that?

But then I remembered what they'd been through together and swallowed my jealousy. They deserved each other and there was nothing I could do about it.

I knew, the moment I met Annabeth, that they'd end up together. I could just see it in the way they acted around each other. Percy was happy, I was happy.

But what made me sad when I watched them was that I'd never get to experience that love with someone. Percy or not. I was alone, forever, with the oracle of Delphi living inside me, risking my life everytime I spit out a prophecy. 

Sometimes, when I sit in my cave, I think about what it would be if I never got caught up in this life. If I never met Percy. If I never agreed to become the oracle.

Maybe I'd be out there on vacation with a boyfriend. Maybe someone would be looking at me the way Percy looked at Annabeth. Just maybe I'd be living a normal life for a teenage girl. But as of right now, I still bit down the jealousy.

Over the years it's gotten easier. Although the jealousy never fully went away, it's not as bad as it used to be. I can watch Percy and Annabeth without feeling angry that he picked her over me because that was just selfish.

I still found myself wondering what it would be like if I was Percy's girlfriend once in a while.

But now as I watch them, holding hands at the altar, tears in their eyes I finally pushed the jealousy away for good. Because once i heard the 'I do' leave both their mouths, I knew there was no possible chance left for Percy and me nor was there ever.

They were announced husband and wife. They kissed, the crows applauded, some people crying out for Percabeth. People were happy for them, and I was one of them.

I stood and clapped along with everyone else, a bright smile spread across my face.

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