Brynlee Pierce

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I'm Brynlee Pierce and I go to San Francisco High School in California. I wouldn't say I'm popular but I am well known throughout the school for my smartness and craziness. I've been on honor roll all three years of my middle school career and so far all two years of my ongoing high school career. Yes, I can be a shy and collected person but if I get to know you and get comfortable with you then I can be the craziest person you've ever seen. 

I also wouldn't that I'm the best looking girl in the school. That spot is reserved for my friend Annabeth. I have shoulder length dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I think I'm average height for a seventeen year old girl.

Anyway, did I mention an Annabeth? I think I did. Well, Annabeth Chase is absolutely beautiful and I'm straight don't worry, I'm not crushing on her. Her blonde curls end right below her shoulders- she had decided to get a hair cut earlier in the year and kept it that length. Her grey eyes sparkled when she was in a good mood but if she wasn't, they flashed dangerously.

She's a really great friend of mine and I love her but she can be a bit... odd. How so? Let me tell you.

First, she's pretty quiet at school and usually keeps to herself. She doesn't open up to anyone except me and it's never about anything super serious.

Second, she always has an excuse when she's either late for class or has to leave early unexpectedly. She always comes back with some sort of minor injury.

Third, she carries these yellow square things that look like lemon squares but she doesn't let anyone eat them. She says it's for their own safety, whatever that's supposed to mean. Sometimes I'd see her eat one and one of her injuries would just disappear. Weird, right?

Fourth, she went to New York for like nine months and she came back all depressed. Don't worry! She's not depressed anymore but she won't tell anyone why she was there.

Fifth, once in a while she'll run to the bathroom with a- I'm assuming it's fake- diamond and a small pouch of golden coins. She always locked the door.

Sixth and last, whenever she's stressed she limps.I heard that she had broken her ankle when she was in New York but why would it still hurt? And when she lifts something heavy her shoulder starts to ache. Not to mention, I think I've seen a faint scar on her shoulder.

Oh! I missed something. Her scars. She has maybe hundreds. On her arms and legs, little white scars are scattered around. A faint white line across her forehead. A small line on her chin. A slash of white on her neck. Some were so small that you'd have to look super close to see them.

So, yeah, she's a bit of a mystery.

Anyway, let's go to what was happening right now.


I walked back to my locker after a long fifty minutes of physical education. I opened my locker and put my gym bag back inside, taking out my chrome book and science supplies and shut my locker.

I looked around, searching for Annabeth.

"Bryn!" I turned around to see my curly haired friend walking over to me, science supplies in her arms.

"Yo, Annie." I said as she stood in front of me. 

She glared playfully. "I told you not to call me that." 

I chuckled quietly and raised my free arm up in surrender. "Where were you?" I asked. "You missed first period."

Annabeth shrugged as we started to walk to our class. "I had a rough night. My dad let me sleep in."

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