Chapter 9:Drama ever where I turn

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(I had to put the song it just felt right)
U call...Alex he picks up
Al:what do u want??
Y/n:I want to talk and I need u to pick me up from school
Al:didn't u get out an hour ago
Y/n:yea can u come pick me up plz
                                 End of call
Alex finally arrives u get in the car
Y/n:thanks again for picking me up
Al:no problem
Y/n:Alex I'm sorry I was stupid to kiss him back I don't know why I did it could u forgive me
Al:yea u just now realized that y/n I always put u first in are relationship and then u go and cheat on me with someone who hurted u and no it's gonna take me awhile to forgive u
U start crying
Al:no no no don't crying because u make me seem like the bad person here but it's fucking u ur the one that thought u could just cheat on me with that fuck boy that never loved u
Y/n:*sniffs*I never fucking said I was trying to make u the bad guy Alex like what the fuck do u mean
Al:u no what I realized about u when we were together u always make things about u it was never about me ever time we fucking fought it was about u u know what I feel like y/n
Al:I feel like u just want attention
Y/n:me want fucking attention me omg fucking gosh u know what I'm done talking to u
Al:ok that's fucking fine with me
Alex turns on the radio and puts on

Y/n:do u have to listen to this
Al:if u don't like it put in ur fucking earphones
U put ur AirPods in and put on this song

U finally arrive at home
U get out and close the door he zooms off u walk inside
Y/m:hey honey dinners cooking
Y/n:ok I'm gonna go finish my homework
Y/d:if u need help just come ask
Y/n:ok bye
U walk up stairs and go to ur room u lay down on ur bed and start bursting into tears
H:y/n I heard what happened u want to talk
M:Ik if u want to talk about it we're here for u
They both walk out Marc walks in
Mar:lets talk
Y/n:Marc I don't want to.i just want a hug
He hugs u then u finally stop crying he wipes ur tear u tell him what happened
Mar:oh don't worry I'm here for u every step of the way
Y/n:and that's what I love about u ur a great friend
Ur mom calls u guys down stairs to eat u guys eat after ur done eating u go take a shower and bush ur teeth and then get dress Marc walks in
Marc:I'm heading out bye see u tm
Y/n:Marc wait
Y/n:can u stay the night
Marc:y/n it's a school night
Y/n:so plz
Marc:fine because I care for u
Y/n:so if u didn't u wouldn't
Marc:I mean I care for u and love u
Y/n:Ik I just wanted u to say that
Mar:ok captain obvious
____________________________________To be continued....

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