Chapter 23~Court

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Yibo's POV

We were dreading this day, the day where we could lose Fanxing, a day where we could keep someone special to us or lose them.

By the looks of it Fanxing didn't want to go to, but what choice do we have.

Xiao zhan had called for his best lawyer and explained the situation. He hired detectives to find out what happened to Fanxing to make him so reluctant to go back with his birth mother.

Walking, up to the front seats we sat down with Fanxing in my arms. "Mummy, what's going on?" Fanxing whispered looking scared with all the people surrounding him.

"We are going to court Sweetheart"

"Why?" Fanxing asked me with his innocent eyes. It made me want to cry but he has to know the truth.

"Because your mummy wants you back."

"What mummy? I only want you and daddy."

"Nothing will happen to you." Xiao zhan had just come over after talking with his lawyer.

We look to our left to see that woman and her family. They're smirking at us as if they were mocking us.

I really hate them, it's hard not to.

"Let's get started" a voice from the middle had said, I guess he is the main judge while the two behind him is our lawyers.

"What is the problem?"

"Sir, xiao zhan and wang yibo had said that Fanxings mother would like to take him back after she left him in an orphanage even if xiao zhan and wang yibo are now legally his parents."

"What do you have to say for yourself," The judge asked Fanxings mother.

"I got pregnant after a one night stand then had Fanxing, at that time I didn't have enough money or a job to support him so I have him to an orphanage. I planed to take him back after finding a high pay job but he was already adopted."

The two sides kept fighting, none of them planing to stop, after all it was for Fanxing.

"I'm his birth mother so I should have full custody over zheng Fanxing!"

"He's not a zheng anymore he is a xiao, we adopted him after you threw him away!" Xiao zhan had shouted back.

"I didn't throw him away I was protecting him!"

"Everyone stop!!!" The judge was getting annoyed at them for fighting without reason as the judge was the one to decide.

"I had decided that Fanxings birth mother would have full custody over him."

I had burst into tears hearing his final answer. I hugged onto Fanxing tightly, not planning to let go.

"Wait!!!" The person who was sent by xiao zhan to investigate that woman's background came. "Wait," He said panting this time.

"I have proof, Fanxings mum isn't who you think she is. She abused Fanxing before giving him to the orphanage, she was also in contact with a mafia leader. She had millions stored in her bank. Before she gave fanxing to the orphanage she was planning to sell him as a sex slave."

Xiao zhan and I looked at the judge, hope apparent in our eyes.

The judge looked to be thinking about something before going into a backroom that I never knew was there.

After 10 mins he came out. "Xiao zhan and Wang Yibo will be having full custody of Xiao fanxing and Fanxings mother will have 10 years in jail for human trafficking, child abuse and have in contact with the mafia.

I hugged Fanxing and xiao zhan tightly.

"Mummy? What's wrong"

"Nothing sweetheart. I'm just happy, really happy.

"W-will you leave me?"

"Never, never in a million years.


                                                                                                                                                                         Bye Bye~

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