Chapter 27

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A few hours later, a black limousine parked in front of an unknown mansion. Some figures walk out from the mansion. One have a dark green hair and the other figure have red hair and the rest are the bodyguards that are wearing a black t-shirt with black pants, a black cap and sunglasses(?).

Takamasa have a big grin on his face. Certainly delightful to finally leave Japan and the peasants that have been standing in his way.

Riku's conditions is not really good. His once shining crimson eyes that can calm everyone has turn dull. The innocent smile that can make people's life brighter is no longer there. Riku is like a fragile doll that could break any seconds.

The attendance open the door and Takamasa enter the limousine. All the butlers and maids in charge of the mansion have a pitiful gazes for Riku. They already knew what Takamasa did to Riku and can only pray that someday, he will have freedom and live a happy life.

Before Riku could enter the limousine, someone grab his arm and brought him to someone's hard chest.(A/N heck it sounds like one of those romantic stories😂) Riku yelp with the sudden action but manage to notice that the other bodyguards didn't even move a little. He look up to the figure and saw the familiar golden eyes and brown hair.


After seeing one of his friends, a faint light appear in Riku's eyes. Hope is still there.

Hearing the name, Takamasa hurriedly get out from the limousine and look at the 'bodyguards' furiously.

Takamasa:"what all of you doing?!?! Don't just stand there!!"

The bodyguards move a little but not to stop Ryuu, instead, they take off their cap and sunglasses(?)(A/N ok i actually don't know how to call it😂)

After they take off the cap and the sunglasses, anger filling up Takamasa more.

They are not bodyguards, they're idolish7 and Trigger! And that make some of them wonder why Takamasa didn't notice that one of the bodyguards is shorter which is Mitsuki but they put that at the back of their minds.

Seeing his friends and Tenn-nii, more lights appear in Riku's eyes. The dull eyes now replace with the shining crimson eyes.

Takamasa don't have anyone now but then he sees the butlers. Desperate, he yell to the butlers to capture them but they didn't move. The butlers look at the head butler of what to do.

The head butler:"my apologise, master. But we will not serve you anymore after what you did to the poor child"

Takamasa now on his own. He tried to run away. Keyword: tried. But he was blocked by Re:vale and Zool. Now he's trap.

Momo:"where are you going? We just arrived. Its rude to leave your guests"

Yuki:" I agree with my Momo"

Momo:"awww darling Yuki!"

Touma:"hey! Fokus!"

Haruka:"there's no escape for you now"

Tenn then run to Riku and check his condition. Some of his body are bandaged and that is enough to make everyone feel fury. Tenn glare at the head butler because he just ignore Riku but Riku stop Tenn because the head butler is the one that heal him.

Tenn feel grateful for the head butler because taking care of Riku. But the fury didn't left.

Tenn turn to Takamasa with a killing intent. The black aura behind him grew that caused everyone to tremble a little especially Takamasa. Riku just stand there and saw that everyone tremble a little make him confused.(A/N i will always keep your innocence save Riku!!!)

Tenn:"you! You dare to hurt my brother"

Takamasa tremble a lot and he take step back while Tenn take a step forward. This keep going until Takamasa have nowhere to step anymore.

Tenn was about to make Takamasa pay but someone tapped on his shoulder. Tenn look at his back and saw Hikaru.(A/N I almost forgot about him😂)

Hikaru:"now now, Tenn. You don't want your twin to see violence,right?"

Hikaru said while his finger point to Riku that looking at them confusely. Tenn sigh and take a step back. Takamasa finally fall to the ground because his legs couldn't stand the pressure anymore.

Tenn and Hikaru walk to Riku while the rest are taking care of Takamasa. Riku saw Tenn and Hikaru walk to him and smile brightly.

Riku hug Tenn tightly. The feeling of knowing that his brother is there with him make Riku smile happily. After a moment, Riku finally let go.

Riku look at Hikaru and give him a hug  and thanks him for being there for him.

The police arrive and they arrested Takamasa. The idols tell the officer about what happened and they left with the idols.

The idols arrived at the dorm. They were quiet for a while. Then Tamaki run to Riku and hug him. Mitsuki, Momo and Nagi also join. Tears falling out form their eyes like a waterfall but Riki just laugh and say that he's alright.

They call the president of Yaotome Prod and Takahashi Prod and inform them of what happened. Sogo change Riku's bandage that shows all the bruises and again, Takami, Mitsuki, Momo and Nagi cry like a waterfall and keep apologising because they were late to save him. It take a while for them to reassured them that Riku is alright and that he's save now.

That night, they happily celebrate Riku's return and laughters could be heard from the dorm.

Nagi:"hey Riku!"

Riku:"hm? What is it, Nagi?"

Nagi:"welcome home"

Riku smile softly and look at everyone.

"I'm home"


I'm not crying! You are!!!

And the next chapter will be the end so see you guys in the next chapter!!!!!

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