The Fox and the God (~ Robert Plant)

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/!\ SMUT ALERT /!\

He lifted up his chin, his mouth and throat producing this soft and melodic laughter, as his golden curls bounced on his shaking shoulders. He moved his right hand to his tilted hip and kept it there, like a lady would. He scratched his stomach, wiping a tear with a finger, still laughing since the joke Jonesy had just told was stuck in his head. His deep blue eyes moved on to the three girls standing with John and him.

Damn, Robert was beautiful.

This was what Myrna thought as she cleaned the surface of the bar, after a very drunk customer spilled his beer. Her curly red hair was falling on her eyes, so she often had to wedge a lock behind her ear, knowing it would not hold on for long. Her green eyes left Robert with difficulty, for she had to rinse the small rag she was using. A customer bent over the counter and poked her arm to catch her attention.

“Hey! When am I getting my beer! Quick! I'm not going to spend the night here, for fuck's sake!”

“Yeah, it's comin', it's comin'...”

She grumbled and threw a death glare at the guy, before taking a glass and filling it with fresh beer; she handed it to the customer, who did not event bother thanking her. She sighed and turned her head to Robert. He was quietly chatting with one of the girls. Myrna deeply wished she could be one of them. It was not really funny to work in that bar and seeing all those great musicians ordering drinks and talking to other people: all she wanted to do was to be one of the customers and sit with them, talking about music, depth of lyrics, and other musicians they found inspiring. But no, she was trapped behind this counter, having to shut her mouth.

Myrna's heart nearly stopped when Robert turned his head and planted (ha, ha) his eyes in hers. For a second, she forgot how to function: she felt paralysed and bewitched. “Damn, I've been caught staring at Robert Plant!” she thought. His thin lips stretched into a wider smile and he winked. She looked all around her, not believing she had just been winked at by the most desirable man of the decade. She heard him laugh once again and realised it had indeed happened to her. Her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, and she looked down.


“I'm going to get us some drinks!” Jonesy smiled. “Whiskey for everybody?”

The girls nodded and giggled annoyingly. Although they were absolutely gorgeous, Robert could not stand them. They were not capable of holding a good conversation, and the main topic always was his chest or hair – though they were his pride. He soon regretted he had approached them; though he usually was not against a good shag, he was not in that mood that night. For once, he wanted to follow an interesting conversation about culture or other things, and not just about how good-looking he was.

Robert felt stared at during this whole time, and, wanting to think about something else than the girls, he turned his head and noticed the barmaid. He smiled broadly, seeing she was quite taken aback that he looked at her. She had curly red hair that looked like fire under the lights, and it pleased him. She blushed and looked down, much to his disappointment.

Suddenly, a hand snapped its fingers before his eyes. Jonesy was frowning and trying to get his attention, while the girls were whispering things.

“Hey, Percy? Anyone in there?” Jonesy said to him.

“Uh, yes. Yes, whiskey will do.”

“I'm going to get them to the bar.”

The bar. Where the very attractive barmaid stood. Robert shook his head and quickly put a hand on Jonesy's chest to stop him, as he started to walk up to the counter. His bandmate widened his eyes and cocked his eyebrows.

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