Chapter One

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"Hello?" You said as you picked up the phone to your bestfriend.
"Hi [Y/N]. Can you come round to mine, it's urgent."
"On my way." You and Thomas had been best friends for as long as you could remember. You two used to always play out together when you were little kids since you were the same age and next door neighbours. Disconnecting your phone from its charger, you slipped it into the pocket of your black jeans and ran down the the stairs and then out of the door. You let yourself into Thomas's house since he told you to and then you jogged up the stairs and into his bedroom where he was throwing stuff on the floor by the sounds of it.
"Thomas? You ok?" You asked as you peered around the door. He was stood by he wardrobe wearing some dress pants but no shirt. He was searching rapidly throwing all of his clothes onto his bed. He turned around and your jaw dropped a little but you tried to hide it. He was just so gorgeous and muscular- wait what! No... No! You thought, he was your best friend, plus he had a girlfriend.
"Oh hey. I need you to help me pick out a shirt." He said holding up a large amount of clothing hangers.
"What for?" You asked, perching on the end of his bed but almost sliding off of the white silk sheets, gaining a slight laugh from Thomas.
"I can't believe you didn't remember! Tonight the night! I'm going to propose to Isabella!" He cheered. You heart dropped. Propose? He definitely had never told you before. You thought back to in high school, when you were both 15 and you had a huge crush on him but you never found the guts to tell him. Over 9 years had passed since then and you had managed to choke the feelings down, but hearing these words, that even the smallest possibility of him loving you had shrivelled up and died into the form of an engagement ring, they all came flooding back.
"Propose! What!?" He stopped rambling through clothes and turned to look you dead in the eye.
"Yeah. I- I love her [Y/N]." He smiled, his deep brown chocolatey eyes filling with joy. You wanted to tell him so badly, but he was so happy and that meant more to you than your happiness. You slapped on a fake smile and wrapped your arms around him.
"That's fantastic news! I'm so happy for you Tom." He seemed to make some weird sound as you said Tom and pulled away from your embrace. He turned the other way and began rummaging through shirts again.
"Ok stop, just stop. Sit down, I'll sort you out." You walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a beautiful pale blue shirt.
"Hm..." You mumbled as you looked at him, holding the shirt up, "this one. It really flatters your eyes. Wear it with this black tie, to match the pants, with this black suit jacket. Wear your hear up, Isabella told me she likes it like that, and those dress shoes I always tell you I love." All of this was killing you inside, but his happiness meant so much more than yours. Because if he was happy, a part of you could be too.
"[Y/N] your brilliant! I don't know what I'd do with out you!" His said, wrapping you into a warm hug again. You could feel his hot skin through your top and feel his breath on your neck. Oh god! You thought to yourself.
"Just make sure you repay the favour one day." You squeezed him tightly in your arms one last time before letting go. You sat back down on his bed as he got changed, facing the other way but glancing over every now and again when he wasn't looking. A text came through on your phone, it was from Ava, Thomas's sister.
You opened it as a large gasp escaped your lips. She had sent you a picture from town, of Isabella holding hands with another man, who definitely was not Thomas. In fact, it was Thomas's closest friend, besides you, Joe.
"What?" Thomas said as he tried to snatch your phone off you, put you locked it before he saw.
"I know your pass code [Y/N]" he laughed as he unlocked your phone.
"Tom please don't-" but you knew it was too late when the smile drained from his face.
"oh god..." He whispered as tears poured down his face. He started to pace the room slowly.
"oh GOD!" He shouted as he forced his fist into the wall, making a large dent in the plaster, as well as a rather large blood stain. Your eyes trailed down to his balled up fist that was coated in a thick trail of blood.
"come on. There's a first aid kit in your kitchen." He resisted slightly as you pulled him out the room and into the kitchen, but you refused to leave him alone. Fortunately nobody was home except the two of you, so you sat him down in the chair as you pulled out a large green box from under the sink.
"Okay this is going to sting." You warned him as you cleaned up the blood with an anti septic wipe. He let out a small wine, but you didn't know whether that was because of the pain in his hand or the pain in his heart.
"He was my friend! He was my friend!" He kept mumbling under his breath as the tears continued pouring. You put some dressing on his hand, and wrapped it in a bandage.
"[Y/N] why me? What is wrong with me?" He cried, bowing his head down to the floor.
"Listen to me," you argued back, tilting his head up with your finger so he had to look you in the eye, "this isn't your fault. Not even a little bit. This is all her fault, she is a horrible, awful person and you deserve so much better. So many people would kill to be loved by you because your so beautiful, kind, polite and your such a gentleman, Thomas. I've seen the way you treated that girl, and if that's the way she pays you back then she is not worth your tears. Nobody is. And she's not the only one, your still so young and gorgeous and your surrounded by people who love you." Tears began to sting in your eyes now as you watched him brake down like this.
"Oh yeah like who?" He sniffed, looking deep into your teary eyes.
"Me. I love you." it just burst out of you, you couldn't stop it not matter how hard you tried.
"What?" He said.
"I don't know. I think I said I love you." You laughed as tears poured from your own eyes as he smiled again, lifting your heart.
"I love you too, [Y/N]. You're like my sister." Your stomach twisted as you lurched forward. Sister. Sister? Oh god you knew you should have never opened your mouth. You lost your chance 9 years ago, what did you think would happen. Oh god! You felt so stupid. He noticed your dropped expression and wiped the tears from your face.
"No." You said. Shifting out the way of his reach.
"I'm sorry Tom." You choked as you ran through the door and back into your own house.
"[Y/N]!" You heard him yelling from inside his house but you ignored him and kept running until you were curled up in your own bed, with tears seeping into your quilt.
"[Y/N]?" A small voice peeped up, as your little brother walked in. He was only 6, so you tried to act as happy as you could.
"Why are you crying?" He said as he walked up you and poked your cheek where a tear was rolling.
"Because sometime people disappoint you, Sammy." You whispered as you forced a smile. You shifted over and lifted up your quilt as he cuddled up in your bed with you.
"I would never hurt you." He whispered up to you, his voice as sweet and innocent as ever.
"I know you wouldn't. I know you will grow up to be kind and loving and gentle." You kissed him on top of his head as you both fell asleep, curled up under your thick winter quilt.

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