Chapter Seventeen

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"Will is still the best way to go! How can it get more British?" Will whined from the lounge downstairs, but Dylan was quick to argue back.

"Well maybe Dylan is better because it's not a British name." He snapped back, causing you to laugh and roll your eyes.

Your attention was diverted from the boys' bickering when you walked past the sofa and Thomas yanked your hand, causing you to fall down into his lap. A smile found its way to your face while you snaked your arms around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Oi lovebirds! We're trying to help you!" Will shouted, causing your sweet moment to shatter into oblivion.

"No you're just saying name the baby Will. And Dylan just says Dylan, Blake says Blake... It's endless." You sighed and through your head back so that you were lying down on the couch with your legs were on Thomas. He tried to protest, but you played the card you'd been playing for the last 3 months. Pregnant.

"We need real suggestions." Thomas agreed with you, which caused Will go gasp in 'horror'. No wonder he was an actor.

"And Will isn't a real suggestion?" He feigned hurt, but you just laughed it off and rolled your eyes.

"No. It's not." You giggled and briefly closed your eyes, only having to open them again when Thomas spoke.

"Harry." He mumbled under his breath, causing you to strain your ears to hear it.

"What was that?" You sighed.

"Harry. Harry Sangster." Harry. That has a nice ring to it. A smile instantly grew on your face and you threw your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"I love it." You whispered sweetly into his ear.

"Harry William Sangster." Will chirped again, but you and Thomas just rolled your eyes and sighed. These guys were more like boys than men sometimes.

"How are my favourite," Kaya burst through the door, only to stop and count who was in the room, "6 people in the world?" She chimed and sat down on the sofa next to you.

"Six?" You raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yep. One," she pointed at Will, "two," she pointed to Dylan, "three," she pointed to Tom, "four," she pointed to you, "five and six!" She smirked and pointed at your stomach. In response you just laughed and sat up next to Thomas so she could actually fit on the couch.

"I'm going upstairs for a rest if you guys don't mind." You announced, standing up from the couch, but only managing to fall back down.

"Try that again." You tried to laugh at the embarrassment and finally managed to stand up. You'd think it was inappropriate to laugh at a pregnant woman falling over, but to Dylan apparently not. Not when its you anyway.

"Thanks Dylan." You mumbled walking past him.

"Anytime love, any time." His laughing was cut off when someone smacked him around the head. You turned around at the door to see Thomas staring him dead in the eye.

"She's mine and don't you forget it." You didn't know why but those words made your heart skip a beat- heck it skipped several beats. You really were Thomas's.


"Harry and Avery. I love those names, but I feel like they just don't go together if you know what I mean?" You mentioned to Thomas and you collapsed into the double bed, causing him to fall off.

"I know what you mean." He agreed and then mumbled something under his breath as he got up off the floor. Tonight they were filming the scene where the doors don't close, so most of the cast have all day to just sit around, except Dylan and Ki Hong who were doing som running scenes.

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