powers chosen

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Ember Coal's P.O.V.

"And we have found out something interesting about a certain tribute," Silvia says, "Loch Blue is not 13, he's 15! isn't that excitng?!"

"Anyways, The tributes powers are chosen. And also we have a little surprise for the tributes so stay tuned after this commercial!" Silvia screams.

"Finally," I mutter, "We get to find out our powers."

I sit with Ash, Dairy, and Singe quietly and watch these dumb commercials. Depending on the power I get, I could so win this.

"And We're back!" Silvia shouts. She makes me jump because her face just randomly popped up on the screen.

"District one:

Ruby: sound waves from yelling (Very strong sound waves)

Marvel: Drilling hands. Tipped sharp when his hands spin and also no bones at his wrist so he can do so.

Crystal: Crystal skin

Crypton: super strength

District two:

Talon: Needler. This means needles will shoot out of his wrists and he will throw them

Metalla: Super senses

Rust: wizard and spell book

Shale: acid shooter

District three:

Beetee: mimic abilities (copy someone elses powers)

Wiress: force fields

Virus: energy ball thrower

Lyla: invisibility

District four:

Aqua: mermaid powers

Loch: controlling water

Gill: six arms

Lagoona: gravity manipulator

District five:

Electra: electrical powers

Shock: teleport

Casper: walk through objects

Tigris: Feline abilities with a tale

District six:

Cork: wizard with a spell book

Staple: Wear-wolf (only at night)

Ginger: stickiness

Mint: freezes things

District seven:

Fern: controls plants

Ivy: turn into what people fear most

Sage: shape-shift

Oak: unlimited energy

District eight:

Silk: revives after three of his own deaths

Artemis: elastic hair

Cypress: healer

Eros: limbs grow back

District nine:

Aries: Steal others powers after he kills them

Athena: super speed

Aria: poisonous claws (If enough contact or enough poison, the victim will die)

Zues: puppet master

District ten:

Bull: turn people to stone with eye contact

Taurus: turn into twice the size of his original size

Ruta: light manipulator

Hen: has wings

District eleven:

Hera: wizard and spell book

Rue: mind reader (has to see them to read their minds)

Thrash: super stretchy

Crash: wizard and spell book

District twelve:

Singe: manipulates people with physical contact

Ember: controls fire

Ash: lasers

Dairy: eye transfer (Can go into someone elses body by eye contact)

And your guys surprise is that after the first day, President Snow himself will have you perform your powers in front of him. He will then choose who he thinks should get an enhancement with their powers. But no one knows how he's judging. Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor." The TV then goes off.

Yes! I get to control fire. This will be an interesting games and I actually have a chance at winning!

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