Leveling the Field (Part 4)

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Professor Glynda Goodwitch looked sternly at the two students sitting in chairs across from her, a righteous amount of fear on their faces at her currently foreboding presence. She slapped her riding crop on her desk, eliciting a squawk of horror from Jaune and a small flinch from Cardin.

Goodwitch: "Would you two care to explain exactly why I just had to waste half of my aura to repair $200,000 worth of damage to a training room?!" She asked, her cold and scrutinizing glare keeping the two men rooted in place. They looked at each other, having a silent argument about who would go first. Cardin won said argument, so Jaune began to try to explain to Professor Goodwitch what happened without snitching on Judai.

Jaune: "Well, ma'am...you see, we were testing out these new weapons that were designed for us and it clearly went out of control from what you saw. The weapons are pairs of gloves that activate upon our aura being channeled to them. I haven't seen what mine do yet, but Cardin seems to have control over earth..." he explained. Goodwitch gave Jaune a deadpan stare.

Goodwitch: "Or lack thereof..." she said, before sighing exasperatedly and pinching her nose to stave off a headache.

Goodwitch: "Would you at least try not to destroy the training room next time, gentlemen? It gets to be very exhausting to put it back together every time it gets destroyed." She says tiredly. Jaune and Cardin looked at one another, their eyes now having a question for the other about if that was honestly it.

Cardin: "Th-that's it, ma'am? No cleaning the training arena with a toothbrush or anything? No extra assignments?" He asked. Goodwitch smiled. Cardin's attitude towards everyone he spoke to had improved ever since Forever Fall. She was glad to see that he was acting his age and being respectful instead of thinking that he was the best thing since sliced bread.

Goodwitch: "There will be no type of punishment for this little mess, Mr. Winchester. Same for you, Mr. Arc. You both are free to go. Have a nice day." She said politely. The two returned the same words to Goodwitch before walking out of there immediately without looking like they were trying to dash out of there. Once they got back to the entrance to the dorms, they both released a breath that they didn't know they were holding.

Jaune: "That was scary..." he shivered. Cardin shrugged.

Cardin: "I'm just glad we didn't get in trouble for what happened. You did well with explaining the whole thing to her, man. I thought you would have pissed yourself in fear before that happened." He joked. Jaune gave him a small elbow.

Jaune: "Shut up..." he whined. Cardin laughed at Jaune's expense.

Cardin: "Alright, Jaune. I've had my fun. Now when are we going to see what your gloves do?" He asked. Jaune shrugged.

Jaune: "I don't know, but the last thing I want is to mess up another training arena. I'm thinking we go to the Emerald Forest later on and find out. At least there we don't have to worry about getting in trouble for damaging anything." Said Jaune. A dark voice startled both Cardin and Jaune.

???: "Or do you?!" The voice asked ominously. Both men nearly jumped out of their skin before turning around to see Judai laughing his ass off at their jumpy reactions.

Judai: "Got you, mates!" He shouted, beginning to die of laughter. He then stopped with an inquisitive look in his eyes and a bright smile on his face.

Judai: "So...how did dealing with Goodwitch go?" He asked curiously. Both men glared at him immediately.

Cardin: "You ditched us, motherfucker! She might have had us scrubbing that training room clean with a toothbrush if she was nearly as mad as we though she was gonna be!" Argued Cardin. Jaune then piped up.

Jaune: "Yeah! We didn't even tell her that you were the one who built the gloves!" He said. Judai smirked.

Judai: "Aw, would you look at that? That's what I call best friends teaming up." He replied. They both lunged at him, brandishing their weapons without mercy.

Cardin: "I'm gonna git you!" He shouted, Jaune releasing a battle cry as he lunged at Judai. Unfortunately for the two, they forgot that Judai had a teleportation semblance. Therefore, the only thing that they hit was air. Cardin tossed his mace down.

Cardin: "Goddamnit! He got away!" He grumped. He then picked his mace back up, deciding to go look for Judai. Next thing he knew, a water balloon hit him directly in the back of the head, drenching his hair and wetting his armor. Cardin immediately dropped his mace, the water being ice-cold.

Cardin: "I-I-I'm g-going t-t-t-t-o-o-o-o-o-o-o get that f-f-fu-ck-ck-cker..." He chattered. Jaune let a small snicker escape from him, immediately shutting up upon feeling Cardin glare at him. Next thing he knew, a water balloon hit him in the back of his head.

Jaune: "AAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhh...IT'S T-T-T-O-O-O-O C-C-C-OLLLLD-D-D-D!!!" He squealed, rolling around on the ground from the brain freeze he somehow got. Cardin sighed in resignation that Judai had won indefinitely, kicking the air in defeat.

Cardin: "FUCK!" He roared.

10 Minutes Later With Judai

The dred-headed hero was busy cackling as he walked through Forever Fall, his little prank on Jaune and Cardin filling him with amusement. He formed ice balls and melted them just enough to unfreeze, placing the water inside two balloons he had placed inside his pockets purely for that. As he made his way through the forest, he heard a roar sound from behind him. He turned around only for an Ursa Minor to roar in his face. He raised an curious eyebrow, placing his hands in his pockets.

Judai: "I thought negative emotions attracted Grimm? What is your bitch ass doing here, you Chucky from GTA looking motherfucker?" He asked. Somehow the Ursa understood him completely, for a much louder roar of rage erupted from the hungry creature. Judai crouched down, opened his arms wide as if he was allowing the creature to get a free shot.

Judai: "Come on you cock-sucking, Zaza Pachulia looking motherfucker!" He goaded the Ursa one last time, causing it to charge at him recklessly and swipe a paw at him. Judai merely flicked the beast's paw, sending said appendage flying high into the sky. He then performed a flip kick, the force ripping the Ursa's head and spine from its body. 

       The Grimm disappeared upon the delivery of Judai's deadly attack. His ear twitched as he heard 7 different heartbeats. He swiftly formed 4 ice kunai in his left hand and 3 Lightning kunai in his right hand, spinning and throwing them in the direction in which he heard each heartbeat.

        Upon hearing all seven kunai meet their mark and pinning their victims to a tree, he clenched his right fist and allowed the lightning to activate, gaining pained screams from the ones who were stabbed by the lightning kunai. He knew it was the other 3 members of the original Team JNPR, which was why he did it to begin with. He then clenched his left hand, making it so that the ice from the kunai spread throughout the upper bodies of his captives. It was Team RWBY, all of which whom were shivering.

Yang: "L-l-Let us g-g-g-g-go, asshole! Tell us what we wanna know!" She demanded. Judai sighed, thinking of Yang specifically and snapping his fingers, allowing the ice spread across her body.

Judai: "You still haven't learned your lesson about respect, have you? Geez...and I thought a good ass-kicking would be enough to humble you. I guess I shouldn't complain...I suppose it was because I wasn't trying." He said calmly. Yang's eyes turned red with rage as she did her best to fight her way out of the trap that she was placed in, but to no avail as the ice cracked.

Yang: "LET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME OU-" Judai sent a torrent of lightning throughout the ice, the lightning's power being increased by the water molecules. Yang screamed in pain as she was electrocuted.

Yang: "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed gutturally. Judai stopped the supply of electricity when he heard Team RWBY start whining and bitching. He then flickered before Yang, looking the weakened woman directly in the eyes.

Judai: "Or what?" He asked, the two words being some of the most powerful in a question.

And...that will do it! Judai has punk'd the whole squad once AGAIN! We'll see how things escalate upon reaching the next chapter.

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