Dare 9

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Eli: Yes!! Let's do this! Operation prank everyone is a go!

Target 1: Coal

Eli: This should be easy, he isn't exactly the smartest. I know because Elcipse showed me his IQ test. Don't tell him that though. Oh, here he comes. *waves him over* Hey Coal! Come here!

Coal: Hmm? *walks over* Hey Eli, what's up?

Eli: I thought I saw your sister making out with someone in the closet.

Coal: WHAT?! *rushes into the closet* You stay away from her you lit- what? Eli there no one in here.

Eli: *slams door and locks Coal in.* too easy.

Target 2: Eclipse: 

Eli: hmmmm.... this is gonna be a little tougher, since Eclipse is pretty paranoid. 

(An hour later)

Eclipse: *is walking around*

Eli: Hey eclipse! That Ninetails you've been checking out is outside.

Eclipse: Really?

Eli: Yup.

Eclipse: OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH! *bolts out the door*

Eli: *closes door and locks it* She's gonna make me pay later. But worth it right now.

Target 3: Watt

Eli: Ooooo this should be fun. *dials the police* Hello? Yes I'd like to report someone. He goes by Watt. Last name? Oh um.... *tries to think of watts last name* The Jolteon? Yes. Yes. 

(About ten minutes later)

Police Officer: *breaks down Watt's door* 

Watt: *eyes widen* What's going on?

Police officer: Watt the Jolteon, you're under arrest for vandalism and breaking and entering.

Watt: What?!

Police: *hand cuffs him* I knew you'd be a trouble maker when you moved here. You're just like your brother.

Watt: ... *walks out with the police officer*

Eli: Umm.... maybe I went a little bit too far with that one. Oh well. On to the next target!

Target 4: Sophie

Eli: I kinda feel bad for doing this one... oh well.

(A few minutes later)

Sophie: *walks in her room, shocked to see her bedroom covered in flour* Whoever did this is gonna die!!!

Eli: *gulps* oh boy.

Target 5: Everest

Eli: This one is easy. *puts a bucket of mud on the top of Everest's door

Everest: *opens the door and gets covered in mud*

Eli: *is already running* 

Everest: *eye twitches as she dies inside* I-I'm gonna go get a shower...

Target 6: Ember

Eli: Okay, I think this will work. *strawberry sauce inside the hot sauce bottle* Not my best prank, but I think it'll be enough.

Ember: *was making himself food and grabs the hot sauce, dumping it onto his food*

Eli: *smirks*

Ember: *takes a bite and quickly spits it out* Ewwww.... strawberries. *looks quickly at the hot sauce bottle* WHO RUINED MY FOOD?!

Eli: *runs off*

Target 7: Fern

Eli: *walks up to Fern, frowning* Fern, we need to talk.

Fern: Sure, what's up?

Eli: ...I know you're secret.

Fern: *pales* Wh-what do you mean?

Eli: I am disgusted by you.

Fern: *eyes widen* I swear I've tried to change it but it's just that way and I can't do anything  about it! *runs away*

Eli: Wait, what? *was faking knowing anything*

Target 8: Cass

Eli: She's gonna kill me. *finishes filling a pillow with pink paint* 

Cass: *walks in* Umm Eli? Why are you in my room?

Eli: N-no reason...

Cass: um okay. *flops onto her bed, landing on top of the pillow and getting paint everywhere* ...

Eli: Umm April fools?

Cass: ELI!!!

Eli: *bolts out of the room, quickly hiding in the closet* phew. That was close

???: *brushes up against him*

Eli: Wh-who's there?

Willow: *suddenly turns visible* Boo.

Eli: *screams and runs out of the closet*

Willow: *chuckles* Glad I saw the dare before him.

Ask or Dare the Eeveelutions: Plus One.Where stories live. Discover now