Cuddle time~

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"Shinya~ Wake up~!" You jumped out to your boyfriend's bedroom.

"What is it (Y/N)-chan...??" He mumbled.

His peace rest is disturbed by you but well, he didn't really mind.

"Nothing hehe. It's already morning, let's take a walk outside"

"I don't think it's a great idea (Y/N)-chan, look, it's cloudy outside" He said.

"You're right tho" You agree while pouting.

Shinya founds it cute, he pinched your cheeks and you groan when he let go.

"What was that for...?" You asked.

"It's your fault for being too adorable"
You blushed and quickly turned around.

"Awwww.... (Y/N)-chan is blushing~ how cute~" He teased you

"S-shut up!" You said, still not looking at him.

He then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest and said

"Anyway, that cute face of yours is only mine okay?"

"Whatever" You pout again.

"Whaatt?? (Y/N)-chan isn't mine?? Ouch it hurts..." He said grabbing his chest, and make a fake hurt face.

"So what if I'm not yours?" You said

"How mean~" He still teased you


"But that's what I like from you (Y/N)-chan, so please be mine?" He said

"I remember I've answered you before. WHATEVER"

"Haha, stop being so mean to me"


"I love you (Y/N)-chan..."

"Wow, I love myself too" You answered, faking a surprised face.
He pulled you closer to his chest and you burried your face to his chest. He then kissed your head.

I know it's pretty short after a long time :') sorry. It was all because I have a lot of homeworks to do while I can't go to school because of corona virus duh. Help meh XD.
Hope you like it and have a nice day~

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