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[The Next Day]

-Halley's P.o.v-

I was walking down the hallway filled with teenagers wishing Nash would come to school today.Then I got a tap on my shoulder as I turned around and saw Nash there.

"Omg!Nash!"I said as I was about to hug him but he backed up.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"I'm still a bit sick,maybe tomorrow I won't be sick anymore."he said as I nodded as we walked down the hallway side by side.

"So what did I miss?"Nash asked.

"Nothing much......I got bullied."I said as I mumbled the last part to myself.

"What?"he asked.

"Oh nothing just nothing."I said scratching the back of my neck as the bell rang.

"Bye Nash!"i said waving.

"Bye!See you at lunch!"Nash said as we walked away from each other.

[At Lunch]

-Stephanie's P.o.v-

I went and sat with the crew,Abby didn't come to school.I couldn't blame her it's sucks balls in here!

"Hey guys I have another plan!"Violet said.

"A plan for us to get in trouble or fail?"I asked as Jonny laughed.

"Not this time."Violet said.

"What is it?"I asked annoyed.

"We hypnotize the principle,then we'll hypnotize Nash to ask me,Abby,or Stephanie to prom."Violet said.

"Wait hold up,hold up.Why am i in this?And why do you like Nash?"Jonny asked confused.

"First off your in this cuz you have to find a hypnotizing thing for us.And second I don't like him!Were just making Halley feel bad and never come back to school!"Violet said.

"Ohhhh good job!"Jonny said as they high five.

"One sec."Jonny said as he was fishing for something in his sweatshirt pocket.

Then he pulled out a necklace as Violet snatched it.

"Maybe this will hypnotize them."she said as she looked at it.

"Let's try."Jonny said.

"After school."I said as they nodded.

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