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[After School]

-Hayes's P.o.v-

Me and Hannah were in my house,then someone came downstairs as me and Halley turned around as I saw Skylynn.

"Hey Hayes."she said rubbing her eyes,she looked like she just woke up.

I walked towards her and picked her up as she yawned and looked at Halley.

"Who's this?"she asked as she looked at me as I smiled.

"This is Halley."I said still looking at her.

"Is she your girlfriend Hayes?"she asked as I chuckled.

"No.I wish."I said as I whispered the last part to Skylynn as she giggled as I put her down.

"Hayes has a crush!"she said pointing at me and she ran away as I chuckled and sat back down next to Halley.

"Who do you have a crush on?"I asked.

"Guess."he said as he smirked at me as I laughed a bit.

"Ok.Someone in our your class periods?"I asked.

"Nope."he said.

"Your best friend."I said.

"That's a girl."he said as I thought for a bit.

I was his only 'girl' best friend!

"Me?"I asked as he nodded as my eyes widen.

"Y-you like m-me?"I asked shaking as Hayes held my face and pressed his lips on mines.

I was shocked at first but went with it as we stopped.

"Does that answer your question?"he asked as I giggled and nodded.

"What the....Hayes?Halley?WHAT THE FUCK!"male yelled as we turned to see who it was.

I got mad strait away.

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