A Lot of Work - GyuHao

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Ugh...business is slow again...how can I attract more customers?

A young man with long wavy bangs sighs. His name tag reads "Minghao". Racks filled with jaded clothing are scattered throughout the store. Albums dot the store and shelves hold piles of clothing and little potted succulents. People walking by would think this place is a dump but to Minghao? This store is his sanctuary- fashion and art housed in a quiet space downtown.

His sanctuary has been facing some trouble though, lately. Pindrop silence has been the only music playing in the store, which concerns him.

This store is everything to me. Where else can I be artsy and express my tastes? Just like him...

He digs into the pockets of his washed-out jeans and takes out a picture of a tall young man in a white button-up shirt, with a few buttons undone, a refined black belt, and cream-colored trousers. The man's hair is unkempt in the most perfect way possible.

Minghao clutches the picture close to his heart for a moment but shoves it down his pocket the instant he hears the door of the shop swing open. A distinctly dressed customer waltzes in.

Minghao looks up and moves toward the new customer.

The man trips over a rack of clothes. Losing balance, the man stumbles and almost falls. Minghao puts his hands out to brace himself for the fall, only to have his hands not touched at all. The man readjusts himself.

"Hi, that was awkward. My name is Mingyu. Kim Mingyu. Please don't scream."

Dressed in a vibrant blazer and matching trousers, with a mask covering two-thirds of his face, the man awkwardly extends his hand. Minghao places his hand in Mingyu's and shakes Mingyu's hand.

"I'm Minghao- I'll be assisting you today."

Minghao looks more closely at the man's features, from what he can see. His eyes slowly make their way up the man's face and he notices Mingyu's eyes. A connection emerges in his head and he realizes something.

I'm talking to him- the guy in the photo, Minghao realizes, shock evident in his facial expression.

"You're alright, right? I didn't mean to scare-"

"I'm fine...I just had a little deja vu thinking about something," Minghao pauses as he clears his throat and then proceeds, "What style are you looking for? We offer a wide variety here, and specifying helps me and you get the best deal."

Mingyu, with no hesitation, replies, "Something like what you've got on."

Minghao looks at him in awe and utter disbelief. His favorite model complimented him. Him.

Minghao combs through his hair nonchalantly to try and combat the furious hurricane inside himself.

I've got a job to do, he recalls.

He looks around the store and walks, picking up pieces he's had his eye on for a while. He returns to where Mingyu is once his arm is suffocated by the clothes laying on top of it.

"Here you go. Give me anything you dislike."

Hoping to make a memorable impression on Mingyu, Minghao stretches his mouth and clamps his teeth together to try and form what is supposed to be a smile.

Mingyu chuckles, a reddish blaze spreading Minghao's cheeks in suit.

Mingyu proceeds to try on the clothes Minghao suggested, but just before he walks into the changing room, he asks, "Is it alright if I show you how I look in an outfit?"

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