The Opportunity

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Six year old Y/N cried under a willow tree. And a man figure came up right behind her,and patted her on the head. And it said...

"Everything is going to be alright. So don't cry."

Y/N remembers the feeling comfort,and warmth coming from the hand. Y/N close her eyes,and slept. When she woke up,the man figure was gone.

End of flashback<<

(Y/N)"Link~! Are you there?"

Link"Y/n! How are you doing?"

Y/n ran down the hall towards Link in the castle. Y/n's footsteps towards Link echoed.

(Y/n)"I am doing great! Are you hungry?"

Link"A bit,yeah."

Link looked off to the side blushing admitting that he is.

(Y/n)"Then come with me!"

Y/n gently pulls Link's hand,and zooms off to the court yard. Zelda turns the corner,and sees you got to Link first.


Zelda didn't manage to catch up. Y/n,and Link were alone underneath a tree having a picnic. Y/n happy chatted with Link. And served him spicy meat,and seafood fry. Then a topic came up that Y/n didn't expect.

Link"Hey,Y/N. Do you know the feeling when your heart is racing,and you liking that person?"


Link places his hand behind his neck in nervousness,and blushes. Y/n eyes were widen in disbelief.

Link"Ok,i-it's more then l-like."

~Ba-thump ~Ba-thump

(Y/N)"Y-yes...I do...Link..."

You look down at your lap blushing.

"Is he...Is he going to confess to me? I've been waiting for this my whole life. My heart is going crazy!"

Link"O-ok...How do I say that feeling towards that person?"

"Omg!!! This is dream!"

(Y/n)"W-well,I would confess. Tell them how I would feel."

Link leans closer,and looks at Y/n was passionate eyes to want to know more.


"S-so close!"

(Y/n)"A-and if you get the r-response you want...t-then love t-that person f-forever..."

Link"And if I don't get my answer?"

(Y/n)"Link,t-trust me...y-you'll get your answer. It's called a confession for a reason."

"I would never reject you,Link. Don't worry,and just say you love me already."

Link"Okey,I will do it."

Link gets up,and pats himself. Y/n looked up at Link as he stood up in determination.

(Y/n)"W-what are you doing?"

Link"I am going to Zelda. I am going to confess this feeling towards her."

Y/n was speechless,and dumbfounded.

Link"Y/n,thank you for giving me the confidence I needed,and for the answer I needed."

Link runs off. Y/n was left alone to think.

(Y/n)"I am an idiot!!!"

The whole area echoed"Your an idiot".

(Y/n)"Shut it,echo!"

Y/n walks home in the evening feeling down. Y/n followed a dirt path that cuts through a forest leading to her home. Y/n mumbles her disappointment to herself.

(Y/n)"Why would I ever think Link likes me. Of course he would love Zelda the princess he saved from the evil wizard."

Y/n stops,and held back her tears. Y/n wipes her eyes,and took a deep breath.

(Y/n)"Ok! I will just try a bit more harder then. Link will really understand my feelings no matter what."

Dark Link"That's the spirit."

Y/n nods her head in pride. Y/n then realizes that someone else was with her,and looks around to see who said that. Y/n could see no one.

(Y/n)"Huh? Who was that?"

Y/n looks through the trees to see if any is hiding behind them.

(Y/n)"Show yourself!"

Y/n stood her ground as the area around her grew colder.

Dark Link"If you see me. You'll be frighten,and run away. So I'll stay in this form."

"What? Form? Who is this?"

Dark Link"I am not a who, but a what. Little human. And I can help you get Link to notice your feelings."

(Y/n)" did you know what I was thinking?"

Dark Link"I can read your mind."

"That's cool~ If I have that power. I would be able to tell what Link is thinking at all times! Can I have this power?!"

Dark Link"Focus!"


Dark Link sighs,and is rethinking his discussion.

Dark Link"Listen human,I am going to offer you a deal."

(Y/N)"A deal?"

Dark Link"Yes,a deal. I can help you make Link fall in love with you."

(Y/n)"You can really do that?"

Dark Link"Yes,I can,and actually you would be helping me too."

(Y/n)"H-how would I be helping you?"

Y/n knows that Dark Link is somewhere,so Y/n trys to follow his voice to see where he is.

Dark Link"You see. I want Zelda."

Y/n was surprised to hear that. Y/n turned towards the Dark Link's voice. Dark Link floated around y/n,and stops on dirt path a few feet ahead from where Y/n was standing.

(Y/n)"You want Zelda? Seriously? She is like a food that's gone cold."

Y/n felt disgusted talking about Zelda in this situation.

Dark Link"And your point is?"

(Y/n)"Why want her?"

Dark Link"I just want her."

(Y/n)"Why though."

Y/n tilts her head in confusen. Y/n took a step towards Dark Link.

Dark Link"I have my reasons. You have yours."

(Y/N)"Oh~ Come on,tell me. I'll keep it a secret."

Dark Link"I am not worried about it getting out. I just don't want to say it."

Y/n felt like a grily girl,and insisted Dark Link to tell. Y/n gets close to Dark Link with a smirk on her face even though she can't see him.

(Y/n)"At least tell me why you like her~."

Dark Link"I said no,now are you going to..."

Dark Link turns around,and backs up for how close Y/n was to his face. Dark Link trips,and his invisibly revealed him. Y/n was confused on what she saw.

(Y/n)"Link? Wait...your not Link. Your a-!"

Dark Link summons black smoke around Y/n,and teleported Y/n to his castle.

 Black Arrow( Dark Link x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now