chapter one

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"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


THE KINGDOM OF TRAVEN WAS SMALL, but what they didn't have in men, they made up for in ruthless cutthroat war tactics. Princess Amelia was third in line for the throne and she didn't mind it much.

No forced marriages, little to no responsibility, and a whole lot more freedom. All this meant more time in the taverns, singing loudly and joyously while also welcoming travelers from all across the lands.

At this moment, she was talking to townsfolk, seeing what needs were required for the upcoming market. She sipped on her ale and listened carefully to what one of the farmers was requesting.

"Yes, that would make sense, good friend." Her fingers tapped on against her chin. "I'll speak to the king about it, but no promises."

The man just smiled while tipping his hat. "You always say that, your Majesty, but you always manage to pull through."

"Your Majesty." One of the barkeeps grabbed her attention with a worried voice. "Word that a witcher will come into town tomorrow."

"A witcher, you say?" The princess hummed curiously.

"Maybe it would be wise of you to return back to the castle, Majesty?" The barkeep asked and she just flashed him a dazzling smile.

"No, Geoff," The princess stood while taking a long swig of her ale. "Destiny seems to be favoring me. The witcher will be welcomed, just like any other traveler."

This particular tavern was connected to the only inn in town, so the witcher would be forced to come here to rest for the night.

"This will be absolutely delightful, Geoff." Princess Amelia slammed down her pitcher. "Mark my words, old friend."

"You're absolutely bonkers, m'lady." Geoff shook his head and continued serving his guests.

"I've been told." She saluted to him and walked about the tavern, taking notes for the needs of the people the market.

♘ ♘ ♘

When the princess returned to the castle that night, she brought gifts to all her siblings and the king. There was a warm welcome as she was announced into the royal dining hall.

"As late as always," Her eldest brother, Joseph jested as she walked into the room, wearing commoner's clothing and holding a script in one hand and a heavy sack in the other.

"Dear brother, would you expect anything different?" The princess said loudly, a bright smile on her face. "But fear not, my flesh and blood, for I have brought gifts and requests of the people for the market coming in two days."

"Did you make any promises?" The king asked and the princess scoffed.

"Do you think me to be a fool, father?" She asked and took out a jar full of moon water. "I got you this for your sword to have it cleansed. It should do the trick quite nicely."

"I do not think you to be a fool, Amelia, I think you to have a kind heart." Her father accepted the moon water while patting her cheek.

"Which are one of the same," The middle son, Erik, jeered. That earned him a wack on the back of the head from Joseph.

"And that, dear brother, is why a woman will not wed you," Amelia smirked while passing out the gifts she brought back to the castle, which earned a chorus of hoots from her three other brothers. 

"You haven't been wed yet either, Amelia, be wary of how you speak." Erik accepted his gift of homemade chocolates from the innkeeper.

"Yes, but Amelia has gotten many marriage proposals. How many are you now at, Erik?" Nathaniel, who was fourth in line for the throne, ruffled Erik's hair with a joking smile on his features.

"Settle, boys," The king warned and the laughter fell silent. "Anything else happen in town today?"

"Well," Amelia plopped a seat in between Joseph and Nathaniel. "Word has it that a witcher is coming into town." She started to eat as murmurs ran through the whole court, knights and guards included. "He can take me to Oxenfurt."

"Are you still going on about that?" Erik snapped and her gaze turned to her brother. "As if Father would ever let that happen."

"I have to deliver the scrolls to Oxenfurt. I'm the one to do it." Amelia leaned across the table and touched her father's hand. "This is my destiny. This is what I'm meant to do, what I was bred to do."

Her father's dark eyes met her own. "You think that the witcher's arrival will help fulfill the prophecy?"

"I don't think, Father, I know." Amelia pushed stray strands of her brown hair behind her ear. "I was the only female heir our line has had in generations since the curse and I don't think that to be just a coincidence. Do you?"

"I think she's right," Joseph said carefully while looking at his sister. 

"Those scrolls are safer here with our men than they are at Oxenfurt!" Erik exclaimed. "We have the most furious warriors and Oxenfurt is a years' worth of travel. We can't leave the ancient scrolls to a girl and a mutant to protect."

Nathaniel let out a low whistle at Erik's words. Amelia's easy-going demeanor fell away and she stabbed the table with a carving knife, mere inches away from Erik's hand.

"Children," the king warned, but Amelia spurred on.

"Poke and prod at me all you want, brother, but never list my gender under my weaknesses. I am three times the man you will ever be and everyone in this court knows it." Her voice was harsh and angry, which was rare for Amelia. Her blue eyes were filled with anger.

Erik swallowed nervously as the king and the rest of her brothers sat back to observe.

"Now, if the witcher agrees to help me make safe passage to Oxenfurt I will accompany him, whether your ignorance, boar-headed brain thinks I can or not." She went to stand by her father, kneeling by his chair. "Father, our kingdom, our people almost didn't make the famine last year. We can't risk it."

"If the witcher agrees to take you all the way to Oxenfurt, then I will allow it." The king said, taking his daughter's hands in his own. "You are my one and only daughter. You are my heart."

"I know, Father." Amelia smiled softly at the king. "But this is my destiny."

"Let me escort her, Father," Nathaniel spoke up, squaring his jaw and straightening his back.

"My dear brother, my flesh and blood, when I leave, my duties are passed onto you." Amelia went to her brother's side at the table. "You are the new best friend of the people until my return."

"Amelia, no one can do what you do." The youngest brother spoke and she massaged his shoulder. "The people love you."

"And the people will love you, Nathaniel. I know they will."

"You're really doing this." Erik's voice was deadpanned.

"I'm doing this for our people, Erik. Something I don't know if you will ever understand." Amelia placed a chaste kiss on everyone's cheeks before leaving the dining hall.

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