chapter two

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"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason."


THE WITCHER WAS PRINCESS AMELIA'S DESTINY. He had to be, her people wouldn't survive another famine.

Amelia went to the Great Old Tree in the royal garden, which is where she always went to clear her mind. Her fingers traced over the worn bark of the trunk and her eyes scanned over the words that were burned into the tree. The words that cursed the kingdom she loved so much.

Generations ago, the soldier of Traven killed a girl on the battlefield wrongly. The details of what happened are hazy, but her mother was a very powerful witch. She cursed Traven with a terrible famine every five years that would only get worse.

The witch said that one royal Traven woman could break the curse only to deliver the ancient scrolls that Traven has possessed for eons to Oxenfurt. It was said that the woman would deliver the scrolls to the young girl's grave and face many trials while taming a ferocious beast on the way.

Then the woman would fall into a deep sleep.

But no one knew that part but Amelia and she refused to tell anyone that part. Her eyes were the only ones who could see more to the curse than others. Amelia gnawed on her lip as she left the garden.

She had a witcher to meet and a destiny to fulfill. 

♘ ♘ ♘

Amelia had been in the tavern for only a few minutes when it suddenly fell silent. Heavy footsteps indicated a stranger had entered the tavern. Amelia turned her eyes to the door, and the witcher was nothing like Amelia imagined.

He was gorgeous.

This shocked the princess because she never found anyone really attractive, but the witcher was almost irresistible to her. It was his eyes that were most likely the most captivating to her. Those eyes had seen horrible things, what most people see in nightmares.

"You're not wanted here, witcher." One of her people seethe, but he walked past them and went to the bar. There were hateful murmurs that coursed through the tavern. 

He approached the bar, keeping his eyes on Geoff. "I need a room for the night."

"There's no room here, witcher."

"Geoff..." Amelia spoke for the first time since she got to the tavern. He raised his hands toward Amelia and backed off. "The witcher obviously doesn't mean any harm. Give him a pint, for god's sake."

Her eyes turned to the witcher and she gestured to the seat next to hers at the bar. He didn't take it as the tavern went back to being its lively self and Geoff put the pint on the bar.

"I just need a room for the night," he repeated and Amelia laughed. His voice was deep and gravelly, almost soothing.

"The market is tomorrow, there's no way you're getting a room at this time of day." She eyed him as he took his pint and drank. "What brings you to Traven?"

"Just passing through." He said, looking around the room. "They respect you here."

"Good observation skills." She smirked and rested her chin on her palm.


"Was that a question or a statement?" She inquired. He only looked at her, only slightly amused. "I am of the royal court. I'm the messenger of the people. A direct line to the king, one might say."

"They respect you because you give them things."

"They respect me because I listen. I'm a good listener, I've been told." Amelia tilted her head at him. "What's your name?"

"Geralt." He grunted and her face lit up.

"Of Rivia?" She asked, astonished. "The Butcher of Blavikin? The White Wolf?" He just grunted in response, looking at his ale. "Well, if you're looking for a place to stay, the inn is full."

"Then I will move on." Geralt stood suddenly and Amelia waved him off.

"Oh, nonsense. You can stay in the castle." He only stared at her, burning ember eyes boring into her own. "Geralt, we both know that it's too late for you to travel to the next kingdom. Take my offer and stay in the castle."

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch." She shrugged and sipped her own ale. "Well, maybe keep me company for a short amount of time."

"I'm not good company." He said, shortly.

"I don't think so," she replied, a small smile dusting her features. "But I know you're going to say yes to me, so there's no point in arguing."

He grunted again, but this time Amelia could detect a small hint of humor.

"Tell me, Geralt, do you believe in destiny?" Amelia asked as he gulped down his ale.

"Not remotely."


"Was that a question or a statement?" His eyes shone with amusement and a smile cracked the princess' features.

"Was that a joke, Geralt?" He remained silent and she sighed. "No, but really, why do you not believe in destiny?"

"Destiny is just something that people use to navigate through life and to believe that there's some sort of order to this horseshit." Geralt answered immediately like he had been asked this question several times.

"Now that is definitely an opinion." Amelia chuckled softly.

"I told you I wasn't good company."

"Geralt, everyone in this kingdom believes in the same thing. You are certainly a breath of fresh air." She smiled at him, then threw back the rest of her ale. "Come on, now, we must be getting to the castle. I've got gifts to give and orders to give the king."

He looked her up and down and Amelia placed a hand on her hip. "Well? Are you coming or not?"

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