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What is the concept of Love to me? Well...

Here we go, exploring that concept...

Well, First of all, it's common knowledge that we have two hearts... The physical, and the emotional. The physical heart, pumps blood... That's it, done. But the emotional heart is where love and all other emotions are born.

To me, this emotional heart is like a huge apartment with numerous rooms. And here, you don't rent the rooms, you sell them. So you cannot remove anyone from there. The ground floor, the very first and foundational layer of your heart is occupied by you, and your parents. That's why you love yourself and your parents so much.

The upper floors are pretty much empty at this stage and it's up to you to give it away to people of your choice. You literally CHOOSE who to love. But once you give that room, you cannot take it back, cause you sold it. You're stuck with your decisions forever.

It often happens that people leave you, they "un-love" you. What actually happens, in this view, is that it's almost as if the people are leaving their rooms and moving to another apartment, but they still have the rights to this room as well. When people say that they don't love a particular person anymore, I choose to believe that they never loved that person at all. Because once you give away that room in your heart, it's permanently theirs... Un-loving isn't an option.

I don't understand the concept of un-loving. I won't say hating because hate is still love, and I'll come to it later. Un-loving is being apathetic to someone you once loved. Love is basically caring for someone, and apathy is not giving a damn as to what happens to that person. But is it really possible to be apathetic to someone you loved? You loved that person for specific reasons... Specific positivities that you noticed in them... So once you un-love that person, where does all that go? It's impossible to ignore all that positivity because of one or two negatives that you (probably) knew about.

What happens is, in my opinion, hatred. Once again, let's come back to an apartment life. How do you maintain a social image and close friendships? By interacting with the other members of the apartment. That's how, in this case, you keep love alive. You keep interacting with the people you love. Hatred is when you see that person living in a room in the apartment, but you do not talk to them. You don't go knocking on their door and you scream when they knock at yours. Apathy, on the other hand, is when you acknowledge their existence, and that's it. No more...

But what about heartbreak? The widely known phenomenon? Is that real then? Well... Yes it is. But it is not as common as it seems to be. Heartbreaks do not occur as frequently as people think they do. What they face is a temporary loneliness as one of the tenants of the heart move away. But in order to understand heartbreak, you need to acknowledge that an infinite apartment is impossible. Even skyscrapers have a limit. When every single room of your heart has been given away, and everyone has left the rooms too... That's when your heart breaks. It is out of Love... It is out of rooms. So, even when the tenants come back, they stay there... But now you're apathetic to them, because you no longer have any love to give (I know I became Gonzalo... The last end contradicts the fifth para)... But that is, once again, why true heartbreaks are so rare. You have to un-love yourself and your parents too for a heartbreak to occur. So no matter how sad you feel, remember it might be temporary grief and it can go away. And as long as your foundation is strong, you might just construct more rooms. So love yourself and your parents.

At the end, I only have one last thing to say... Not everyone has an equal capacity to love because not everyone has a skyscraper in their hearts. The ones who did are celebrated all over the World (e.g. Mother Teresa, who loved EVERYONE). Most of us have a regular sized apartment and all we can do is keep on reconstructing our heart till we find our soulmates. And THAT, is love to me.

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