chapter 7 : bad
____________________Tyler's pov :
flashback :
Then without any hesitation, I smashed my lips to his when he didn't respond I removed my lips .
He looked at me shocked then in adoration.
"I-I-Im" I stuttered .
I tried to stand up but he pulled my face to his and smashed he's lips onto mine , I kissed him back with no hesitation , his tongue swept along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I denied .
He moved he's hand down my hips and squeezed my hips , I gasped and he's tongue invaded my mouth .
We fought for dominance which he won and grinned against my lips , he pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine .
"You don't know how long , I've wanted to do that", he says breathless and then he kisses me again...
I hummed a happy tune as I walked through the gates of hell aka high school.
I spotted Sofia quickly and sped walk to her .
She grinned when she saw me.
When I came by her and our 'friends' I greeted then and myself and Sofia walked away .
As we walked Sofia had immediately bugged me for info "so Tyler , what happened yesterday".
Yesterday when Dylan had dropped me home , he pecked my lips and Gracie who watching us through the window saw , immediately letting Sofia know .
She had tried to pry yesterday already but I had used the excuse that I was tired , I couldn't even remove the grin from my face .
It was strange that I was so happy , because usually the only time I'm actually happy is the weekend when I can Netflix and chill or I'm with Sofia .
I was so excited to see Dylan , he made me feel protected and cared for , the only feelings I felt from Gracie and it was comforting .
First period passed then second period...
finally it was calculas , I wasn't happy to be going to class , so I'd get to see Dylan . I really wondered how he would act after the kiss , maybe I was bad or something .
he pulled away and smiled , I smiled back at him .Justin Bieber : I'll show you
my life is a movie , that everyone's watching so lets get to the good part and pass all the nonsense
my ringtone starts going off , Dylan looks at me and I smile cheekily and mouth to him that it's my mum calling .
Call : robin (mum)
Mum : where the hell are you ?me : I'm with a friend I'll be home soon
Mum : get your ass home now !
me : urgh okay .I looked at Dylan and said "I have to go home , my mum is going crazy" .
I rised to my tippy toes and pecked his cheek .
He took my hand and we walked back towards he's car and he drove me home .
Flashback ends .
I walked to the back of the class to my usual seat and took out my books and shit .
The class was dragging and Dylan still hadn't show up .
I had gone to all six periods and he still wasn't at school , maybe he regretted yesterday .
"Tyler , babe , tyleeeeeerrrr , tyyyyyy" I finally snapped out of my thoughts and heard Sofia calling me "Tyler !"
I turned around and looked at her .
She was out of breath "why the fuck are you so zoned out ? I've been calling you for about 5 minutes now" she screeched .
"I didn't even hear you , sorry" I said innocently .
"Okay , come on" she said and we walked to her car .
After many Ariana Grande songs , Sofia stopped at my house .
I climb out of her car and said "bye sof" .
"Bye beb , I love you" she says .
"I love you" I shout back as I walk into my house .
I go up to my room and put in my headphones , and start listening to music .
Phora - stuck in my ways
stuck in my ways again , she say I pray for you , she say I love you but I need to stay away from you , stuck in my ways again
as I drift off to sleep .
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Edited : Tuesday , May 18th