Chapter 14

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         The shadows along the walls went unnoticed by the group of exorcists as they watched over their sleeping friend.friendly was already morning and Yukio reluctantly allowed them to sleep in alittle longer, mostly to give Rin so more needed sleep before they head back out but he still hasn't woken so here they all were sitting around in the cave. Yukio was just about to wake Rin when he saw something move in the corner of his eye. He slowly reached for his guns scanning the area but saw nothing. He signed and moved to wake up Rin. Yukio gently grabbed Rin's shoulder and shook it gently whispering his brothers name in hopes of waking him but Rin didn't even flinch. Getting annoyed Yukio rubbed his temples and yelled Rin's name. "Rin come on wake up we have to go".

     "Oh... must you go already I just got here". Yukio quickly reached for his guns and spun around. There he was the demon from before. Yukio glanced over at his friends who all were being held up against the wall by shadow demons. "Tch tch.Were you running away from me. That's not cool". The demon mocked licking its lips. Without hesitation Yukio first his guns but the demon moved out of the way. Yukio quickly looked around for the demon but he was no where in sight. Cursing under his breathe he moved closer to Rin the guns still held high in the air.Sensing something coming he spun around gun raised and fired as the demon moved in for an attack but the demon blocked the bullets with his sword. "You humans never learn". He yells angrily. Yukio jumps away as the demon swings his sword. The sword barely misses him. Yukio fires several shots careful not to hit his brother but each time the demon deflected them or moved quickly out of the way. Yukio cursed under his breathe. He was cornered. Instead of aiming at the demon infront of him he aimed at the demons holding his friends. The small shadow demons disappeared in black clouds of smoke. They all fell onto their knees. The demon smirked taking this chance to get a hit on the exorcist but Yukio was quick to respond. He jumped back and fired several shots one hitting the demon in the shoulder. The demon hissed picking up his sword and deflecting the rest of the shots. The exwires quickly went to help.Shiemi and Shima rushed over to Rin. "Come on dude.This seriously isn't the time to be sleeping in." Shima said shaking Rin's shoulders. "Rin please wake up". Shiemi begged. Rin still wouldn't wake up and the others were barely keeping their own against the demon. Shima going completely in panic mode slapped Rin the face and grabbed his shirt. Shiemi jumped  "Shima!". She said  fearfully. Shima eyes widened and his face paled. He lowered Rin to the ground and with wide eyes he point behind Shiemi. She looked confused before turning around. Everything was a blur for the group after that. The demon has overwhelmed them all and took them all hostage. When they woke up they were separated and imprisoned. Bon woke up confused to find himself behind bars and Rin in the corner still unconscious but something was off. He slowly got up his inch of his body screaming in pain. He had no clue what happened all he knee was that it felt like he just got into a big fight and got his ass handed to him. He cursed under his breathe.He made his way towards his half demon friend. When he bent down beside him Rin suddenly groaned. "Rin?". He got no response but the flames ontop of his head grew brighter.Rin groaned his head jerking from side to side. Bon not knowing what was happening tried to wake him up but before he could shake him awake Rin shot up into a coughing fit. Bon not knowing what to do awkwardly patted his back.

          When Rin's coughing fit finally dialed down Bon quickly caught him before he fell face first to the ground. He frowned at the sweat collecting on the others forehead. "Are you okay?". He asked laying a hand on his back. Rin squeezed his eyes shut. Everything feeling like complete agony to the half demon. His chest throbbed in agony, his lungs ached, his head hurt making it hard to think straight. "Okurmura?". "Y-yeah". He managed to get out. He rubbed his head and looked around. "We were kidnapped by that high level demon". Bon said seeming to read the others mind. He only nodded and leaned back against the wall. Bon watched him anxiously. Rin laid his head back against the wall and closed his eyes signing wearily. "What now?". He asked. Bon sat there unsure of how to answer. Standing up he walked up angrily to the prison door and looked out of the small window.He couldn't see much but he was sure the halls were empty. He backed up and ran up to the door slamming his shoulder against the door with all his strength.He kept trying to barricade the door to little success. He cursed loudly and slumped against the wall. "Damn it". He glanced at the half demon and his anger quickly melted away. "Okurmura?".

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