Authors Note

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     Hey yeah sorry its yet another authors note but I want to thank you all for reading my terrible story. I'm not sure how long this story will be. We will see in the near future I guess. Yeah so I'm not good with this sappy stuff soo. Get ready for more angst, some fluff, maybe alittle nsfw but mainly angst and hurt cuz I'm evil😈 lol. If I don't update as often don't be afraid to tell me to. I be busy with making video edits. Like the one above so sorry about that. If you want to follow me on Instagram and see more of those then let me know. And don't be afraid to drop some suggestions about this story or any other fanfics you want me to write. If I never watched it then I probably won't make a fanfic about it sorry. But anyway thank you. I love you all.

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