He's Not So Bad

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Chapter 4

Some hours had passed and Tomura finally decided to get his ass up and leave his bedroom to go check on Kyoko who was still downstairs chained up in that tiny room. Once he got down to the room he reached into his pocket and grabbed the key unlocking the door and stepping inside slowly. She looked up at him and scowled. "What in seven shades of fucking hell took you so long? Huh! I'm fucking starving and my ankles and wrists hurt from these damn shackles you put on me."

Tomura rolled his eyes and sighed loudly before kneeling down and unchaining her which surprised her considering she was just so rude to him. He finished unchaining her and stood back up looking down at her, glaring into her eyes as she glared back. 

~Are you going to keep quiet and at least try to listen to me from now on?~ He asked sounding a bit exasperated. Kyoko rubbed her wrists and slowly stood up nodding her head before starting to walk out of the room before stopping and turning around facing him. "Y'know.. it's already clear to me that you're interested in me just because I have a similar quirk to you...but what baffles me is the fact that you think you can just toss me into a tiny room the moment I disobey, chain me up and leave for hours... then expect me to just automatically obey you and be respectful. No.. sorry, you may have done it that way with your other recruits.. but you aren't gonna do it with me." She said sternly before exiting the room and making her way to the nearest bathroom.

Once she found a bathroom she threw up in the toilet out of nervousness and stress. Then rinsed her mouth out and sat down on the bathroom floor holding her head. ("This sucks.. a lot") she thought to herself as tears began to stream from her eyes. Suddenly the tall man with black hair and terrible scars entered the bathroom and was surprised to see her sitting there on the floor.

(Dabi) "Hey, kid what're you doin' in here? This is my bathroom." he said sounding a tiny bit annoyed. She stood up and looked at him with tears still in her eyes. Dabi sighed, "What's wrong???" He asked in an almost emotionless voice. 

"Oh nothing.. I'm not crying because of joining the league, I'm crying because of Tomura." She said her voice cracking and whiny. (Dabi) "Tomura? What about him, y'know he's like that with everybody. He's not the most cheerful person you'll ever meet, isn't that obvious." He said confused. "No it's not that he's not cheerful or nice, it's the fact that he's so interested in me just because our quirks are almost identical... he makes me feel really uncomfortable at times, get what I'm sayin'?" She said no longer crying but sounding slightly annoyed herself. Dabi nodded indicating he did in fact understand but still showing no emotion whatsoever.

 (Dabi) "Look kid just try and ignore it, let him watch you, let him give you the creeps but don't backtalk him. He's already hard enough to deal with and if you start sassing him he may also direct his frustration and anger onto the rest of the LOV and I don't fucking want that." Kyoko nodded and sighed. "Yeah I get that...I honestly wouldn't want him to yell at all of you cause I pissed him off.." she said sounding sympathetic. Dabi looked at her now seeming a bit surprised. (Dabi) "why do you care about how we feel?" He asked sounding more confused now. 

"Well you haven't done anything to ruin my trust towards you and neither has the rest of the LOV, only Tomura has.. I mean.. why would I be rude to you guys if you haven't been rude to me first?" She said also sounding a bit confused. He nodded now understanding what she meant before starting to remove his shirt and unbuckling his jeans. (Dabi) "umm would you mind leaving my bathroom.... I'm gonna take a shower." He said in a slight embarrassed tone. She Shook her head as a blush began forming across her cheeks before she apologized and left the bathroom closing the door behind her. She shook her head again trying to remove the dirty thoughts from her brain and then made her way back to the bar and sitting at one of the stools. 

The room was barren, not a single person was awake aside from Dabi so it left just her alone in the entire main room of the hideout, or so she thought. Then Tomura came out into the room and took a seat at the bar next to her. She sighed knowing he was probably going to attempt some bullshit like he did earlier, but to her surprise he was silent and he didn't even bother looking at her this time. 

Not long after he sat down he finally spoke but what he said caught her completely off guard. 

~I'm sorry...~ He said before getting up to leave the room again. "W-Wait.. what do you mean you're sorry?" Kyoko asked dumbfounded. He stopped not turning around. ~You shouldn't make me repeat myself, but if I must... I'm sorry for chaining you up.. now don't ask me anymore questions." He said as he left the room. 

Kyoko zoned off trying to figure out what on earth just happened. ("did he just apologize to me...") she thought completely and utterly confused out of her mind as she tried to figure out why. 

"Maybe he's not so bad after all...." she said quietly to herself before getting up from the bar and making her way up to the bedroom they assigned her to. Once she entered the room she smiled noticing it was neat and clean. She flopped down on the bed and got underneath the covers curling up into a little ball and slowly falling asleep still trying to figure out why Tomura apologized to her.

(That's the end of chapter 4 i hope whoever is reading this is enjoying it because I'm not sure if I'm doing well.) 

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