Day 1

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Bill was surprised to see Tom in the living room. He moved into this apartment about a month ago, but suddenly he had to realise, that he spent so little time here that he never saw Tom sitting on the sofa. But now there he was, and it looked like he'd been waiting for nothing but him.

"Have you seen the news?" he asked instantly, jumping up.

"Morning to you too" Bill yawned. He had to shake his head a bit to understand the question. "What news?"

"The entire country is under lockdown."

"Seriously? So soon?" Bill said shocked. He immediately felt awake. Yes, there were news that this was a possibility, he read about what's going on in Italy, but he didn't expect such drastic steps right away. "Fuck, I thought closing schools would be enough. Has it started already?"

"Yeah, basically we can only leave the apartment to get food. Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up, but do you want to go out and buy stuff together? I guess you didn't buy anything either, right?"

"No, fuck... Okay, wow, let's go!" Bill said in a hurry, already grabbing his jacket.

"My mom told me to have at least 2 weeks of food, but she can panic over anything, I didn't think it was so serious" Tom said grabbing the shopping bags that he probably already prepared. Bill looked at his watch, it wasn't even 9. How long has Tom been waiting? He forgot to answer, but Tom didn't mind, he continued his desperate rant. "I mean it's like the flu, right? If you're healthy there's no reason to worry, we probably wouldn't even notice. This is so blown out of proportion. But I also get it, like you shouldn't only think of yourself, and if you go out the risk is bigger for everyone else to get infected..."

"How can you talk this much so early?" Bill laughed. He had no idea that Tom was such a chatterbox. In fact, he didn't know what he was like at all.

"Sorry!" Tom chuckled. "I'm just worried. A few days ago everything was fine, and now no university, no work, it's weird!"

"You'll be in home office now?"

"I'm a personal trainer" he declared, and Bill felt embarrassed that he forgot, but Tom didn't seem to mind. "I can do some online counselling, but I probably won't work for a while now, gym is closed too. It's right there actually!" he pointed at a random building across the street.

"Oh, so close!" Bill said to himself. He looked at this overly excited early bird, and suddenly felt like he should be introducing himself again. "Luckily I don't work this semester."

"You study russian, right?"

"Russian and Czech!"

"You're going to be a translator?"

"Yeah, hopefully. And you study to be a dietician?"

"Yes." he said, and Bill felt good about himself that at least he remembered something right. "We will have online classes now, but the new system will only start next week."

"It's the same for us." Bill nodded. "This came suddenly for the university too, they need to prepare. I don't mind though, I prefer staying home."

"I have no idea how will I cope, I already hate this forced quarantine. We can't even meet friends from now on, and my family lives hours from here."

"Mine too" Bill said, and he suddenly wanted to call his mom.

This all felt surreal. The streets were still full of people. It seemed like any other day, but it also felt different. Everyone was in a hurry, everyone was panicking and running around with huge packs of toilet paper under their arms, it was almost funny. Tom even made a video for instagram about paper army, as he called them.

For a moment they both stopped in front of the store.

"Did you think about what should we buy?" Tom asked.

"Probably toilet paper?"

"Okay, let's start."

They both sighed, and went inside to prepare for the apocalypse. 


So this is the first chapter of my first story. Tom and Bill didn't take the virus seriously, please be better than them and stay home. Let me know what you think xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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