Chapter 31

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    “H-hey Hiro,“ you answered, sitting down. The line was silent for a moment before he spoke. 

        “(Y/N), how could you?“ Hiro's voice sounded pained. You stared at the floor, sitting down on a wide couch facing the huge, floor-to-celling windows.

        "I-I," you couldn't speak.

        "I thought..." He trailed off, and you sat in silence.

        "I'm just so confused Hiro. I-I just needed to get away from everything since my dad..."

        "I understand." His voice seemed to soften.

        'Y-you do?"

        "When Tadashi died.. I didn't know what to do with myself. If I had the chance, I might have done the same thing."

        "Hiro..." Your eyes stung, and you couldn't help but smile. He was being so understanding when he had the right to never want to speak with you again. Suddenly, you were overwhelmed with a wave of guilt for leaving without telling him. "I'm so sorry! I thought I could just run away with a new life... but I can't leave you! I-I." You heard Hiro chuckle lightly.

        "I know (Y/N)... but, are you going to be back? Honey Lemon says you.. you moved schools." 

        "Yeah, I did, I-"

        "You don't have to explain (Y/N), and I think you should take some time to yourself... just promise me you'll come back." Tears were rolling freely down your cheeks now, and you gulped down the lump in your throat.

        "I will Hiro, I promise."

        "Good, I'll see you later!"

        "Okay, bye."

        "Bye." You hung up, and set your phone down next to you.

        "That was Hiro huh?" Asia asked you.


        "How'd he take it?" She sat down next to you.

        "He was fine... but I now realize how much I miss him." Asia was quiet for a minute.

        "You want to go back huh?" You looked up at her- into her pained expression.

        "No! Well... not right away anyways. I-I miss my old school though..." She sighed heavily.

        "Well, it's not too late to change your mind. Sweetie... I know how confused you must be, and I'll be fine if you go back. Really."

        You managed a small smile at her, and nodded.

        "I still want to spend some time with my sister though!"


        The last week had been a blast. You had gone out ice-skating (for the very first time), and you were surprised to find you were way better at it then roller-skating. You'd tried burgers, and re-watched the same movie four times on Asia's huge flat screen.

        "That was fun," you sighed, leaning your head on Asia's shoulder. She stroked your hair.

        "Yeah, it was. I'm going to miss you kiddo." She said quietly.

        "You could come back with me." You suggested, looking at her. She smiled, and shook her head.

        "You know just was well as I do I can't do that (Y/N), but you'll visit me, yeah?" 

        "Of course."

        You lifted your head again as your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw a text from Hiro."


        You glanced at Asia, and she nodded, changing the channel on the TV. You left the room, and sat down on the couch.

        "Hey," You texted back. His reply was immediate.




        "What?" You raised an eyebrow.

        "I just... never realized how much.... I would miss you." You couldn't hold down your blush as you texted a response.

        "...Me neither Hiro ^_^" 

        "Hey, go to your room."


        "Just do it!"

        "O-okay..." You stood up and walked to your room, turning on the lights. Looking around, your eyes fell on the window, and you jumped a foot, dropping your phone.

        "Hiro!" You gasped, running over, and pushing it up. Hiro was wearing his purple flying suit and was hovering outside your window. "H-how'd you find me?" Hiro took off his helmet..

        "Well, aunt Cass told me you have a tracking device in your phone and-"

        "Wait, what?"

        "And so I came to see you! With Baymax," Hiro gestured to the robot under him, "it only took like fifteen minutes." You smiled uncontrollably, and pulled him into a hug.

        "You idiot," you muttered. He hugged back.

        "Will you come back (Y/N)?"



        "I can't." You pulled back, looking at him, and studying the way his raven, black hair blew in the wind. "I'm staying until tomorrow morning. I-I can't leave my sister Hiro." He nodded, and smiled sadly.

        "Okay (Y/N). But I'll see you tomorrow?"

        "Yeah." Hiro leaned in, and pecked your cheek before shoving his helmet back on and zooming back into the darkening sky. You just stood there, your face burning a bright red.


        Hiro's Point Of View

        I smiled to myself, leaning forward to whisper to Baymax.

        "You scanned her right?"

        "Yes," came his reply.

        "What'd you find? Is she better?"

        "The treatment worked." He said. I smiled wider. 

        "Yes Baymax, yes it did."

        Extra long chapter for the wait! I would be nothing without all my awesome readers XD Thank you so much!

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