Bill and I

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Bill and I had successfully turned everyone back to stone, except for the Pines. Who were each chained in their own individual cells to avoid any planning that could happen amongst them. I also suggested that we spread them at least two cells apart from each other in case any of them get antsy and try to break into the other cells. That way, even if they got into one other cell, they'd have to get through another. We also made sure their chains were only a few feet long so they could stand and sit but no more.

The cells themselves had cameras in every corner of the room and lacked doors or windows. Those Pines were a crafty bunch, I didn't want to give them any chance to really escape. The rest of those on Bill's circle was turned to stone and made into a statue that sat in the center of the fearamid. Bill couldn't help but show off, so I didn't say much against him putting them there. Probably because I secretly enjoyed the idea of getting to see their forever fearful gazes when I came into the throne room. 

Those we had turned back into stone were once more, made into a large throne, but two instead of one. Both of them were equal in size, one for me and one for Bill. Since I had chosen Bill, we had only grown closer. Now we were constantly making sure we talked about decisions regarding our expansion. Bill didn't understand me when I talked in more complex terms, always growing upset and whining at me. But he did his best to make sure that this was always a combined effort. Which only made it easier for me to plan out things, especially since he could see further into the future. 

Far better than me for the moment at least, he was also helping me learn how to control that information flow when I did want to look into the future. So I wasn't overloaded like last time, because of that, I've been growing a far better grip on my powers and my self control. So I'm able to see a few hours into the future without issue. Though we're slowly working up to when I can see further out, I have much more raw potential than Bill. So he guesses that, with a bit more training, I'll be able to see decades into the future without batting an eye. 

Bill and I floated side by side, talking to each other as we headed to the cell of none other than Ford. We needed to get those equations from him somehow, and now with all the Pines in custody, he would probably be giving them up sooner rather than later. We nodded to each other, before Bill disappeared in a flash of blue, and I, in a flash of gold. At some point I realized that my magic was originally blue, but as it grew more attuned to me personally, it turned gold.

I guess I'm no longer just a demon created from Bill, I'm my own entity entirely. Which means the magic in my body is mine and mine alone. Bill and I had also made a deal to show a constant mental feed to each other. One of my usually blue eyes was now golden, and one of Bill's usually gold eyes, was now blue. This was to ensure further protection towards each other. If anything happened to one of us, the other would know as soon as it happened. It was a bit weird at first, getting used to always seeing from someone else's body. 

But after a few hours or so, it was like normal again. Though Bill still walks into walls from time to time. We both also decided that we would wear eye patches, Bill wore a triangle eye patch, and I had picked a star eye patch.  We would only wear them from day to day, for important tasks like this, we would take them off. Just to avoid any confusion as to what eye was the one we see out of normally. Even so, I wasn't used to not having one eye to see out of and Bill was. 

So this was a rather long adjustment process, which lead to both of us not only taking a day to remember which eye was ours, then getting used to seeing out of both feeds, then getting used to wearing the eye patch, and me getting used to seeing out of one eye. After that was all said and done, we ended up realizing we had left the Pines in their cells for three days, and without food no less. Though of course we didn't care too much, a bit of starvation never hurt anybody. 

I watched as Bill appeared within Ford's cell, causing the older male to get up as quick as he could. Though I could tell the male was looking rather lack luster. Most likely due to the lack of food and water. Regardless of that, he still tried to seem intimidating. "Cipher." The older male seethed out, I also forgot to mention that I can also 'hear' anything anyone says to Bill. Along with our shared eyesight, we also partially merged our mindscapes, especially since mine was very damaged after my little stunt a few days ago. 

So any thoughts that crossed Bill's mind would also cross mine. Which means all his immediate thoughts would be on talking and responding, allowing me to basically hear what was happening at the same time. "Hello Sixer.~ How are you enjoying your room? Cozy right?" I had to stifle a chuckle at Bill's antics, soon turning a good portion of my attention to the room before me. I now sat within Mabel's cell. Yes sat, I had made a chair and table appear and was currently sipping away at a cup of tea. Mabel sat in the corner, looking a bit disheveled but otherwise, alright. 

She didn't speak, most likely upset that I had chosen Bill over her, but I didn't really care much at the time. I was more thinking about what I planned to do her and the rest of the Pines. A little bit of payback would be sprinkled into that of course, but I was mostly thinking about how to go about our next plan. I waited patiently for a few moments, before snapping my fingers, Mabel was now strapped down to a metal table. Tools sitting beside the table as I stood, a wild grin appearing on my face. "Time to play Shooting Star.~ Let's see how long until you burn out."

Yes it's short, but this is just prep for tomorrow's chapter. >:)

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