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    Hello Readers!   (^~^)/

I am going to introduce to you a question and I want you to at least try or attempt it! And I also have very DEEP wise words I want you to read at the bottom originated by me. So lemme pop DA questions!
     QA: Do you love yourself?
    QBWhat do you like about you?

I just want to know but it may be odd questions but I want to let you know something:

      "Love yourself first. If you don't love yourself first, when you get married, how are you going to handle anything? How can you love anyone if you don't love you? You are original. Be you. Don't let people bring you down for what you not know what to do. Do what you know. Let that person figure out their life while you enjoy yours."

                             – «Wolfiel2aven★»

I want you readers, everyone, to enjoy life while they can because life is so short and people waste time complaining about  little things. But the truth is, life is a game and love is the prize. So, leaving you with these wise words and questions, please:




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