Chapter 10

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Ahana Pov -
Today I was so upset when Raj left. I know he has to Fulfil his dreams and to go ahead but I just can't leave without him. But his job will just send him away from me. He is in Merchant Navy, he has to travel the whole world for his job but why can't his girlfriend go with him. Why families are not allowed. But what can I do. Problems in a long distance relationship are something every mariner would know about and will have to deal with throughout his career. One of the very few downsides of being in merchant navy would be to stay away from loved ones for long intervals. It is definitely hard and more often than not brings people to crossroads where managing a career with long distance relationship in other hand becomes really difficult. And Raj being in navy! I have to deal with it but still I m not that strong that I will be able to face it all alone. And along with that, his so called friends who are just good for nothing. They only just know to fill my mind with doubts. They just want our breakup. All are just jealous of us because he is too handome and sexy. I m nothing compared to him. Sometimes I feel so lucky that I got such an understanding boyfriend and with a high IQ level brain. My goodness! He is so smart. Its almost 🙅 impossible to make him fool. I really know how much efforts I did last 2 months before just to make him April Fool but that fool started laughing and said he knows that I m celebrating April Fool. Huh I really hate him.! But I love him too. I should stop taking to myself and should call Raj and ask him about his whereabouts.
Ahana got her phone and started calling Raj.

Tring.. Tring... Tring... Tring..

Ahana- Why the hell he is not picking up my phone.
I should call him again.

Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Cut!

Ahana - Now I m getting panick really! This boy is getting on my nerves. I know he must be sleeping. But if something happened. Yesterday only I was having bad vibes. Omg! What should I do now..I should go to my Bhagwan's room.
Bhagwan! I know you are with my Raj and watch over him wherever he is... God to open his heart, mind, and spirit to the love, grace, and healing that only. Please keep him safe. I will not ask you anything but please keep him safe.

Oh Bhagwan! Oh I wish! If I could have said him all my inner battles! All my love for him. I should talk to my teddy.!

How should I express how much I want you! I guess as much as this heart beats. I am madly in love with you Raj. How can I express whatever I feel. I can't live without you. I have all become at first sight. You are my first love my first boyfriend. I feel lucky to have you. I am lucky that I have you in my life. I don't want to be greedy. You are mine, in this moment, you are mine,
tomorrow, things may or may not remain the same,
maybe something happens that you don't remain yourself,
maybe something happens that I don't remain myself. maybe our paths diverge,
and we get lost while walking but.. I will love you as much as I do today. May be I won't be able to just open my feelings to you but I really do. I just can't live without you. I will waiting for you. If you just leave me. I will and will..

Suddenly Ahana's phone started ringing..

A smile formed on her lips. She took a deep breath and decided not to shout at him. May be he was busy.

Ahana's Pov -

Why should I shout at him. All have their work. How can I be so selfish.
Hello Raj! Where are you.? Are you fine? Have you ate? Have you slept? Have you got freshened? Have you changed? Did you face any problems?
Raj on the other side shouted *Ssssssshhhhhhh* my ears are crying because of your non stop questions.
He said. He was fine and he was sleeping so he couldn't pick up his phone. And he ate his breakfast. And his room was a mess. So he cleaned. And now was laying on the bed. I sighed and asked him to take some rest and he obeyed.
I know I should have said my feelings. But I just couldn't open my feelings. I was always like this. I am too bad in expressing. But Raj expected me as I am. I am so lucky.. I will die for you Raj. I know I did mistakes. But what can I do. My parents never taught me this things. They were always busy for my sister. They never loved me. They always used to think I'm a spoiled brat. They always used to blame me for things that I never did. They always used to support my sister. And my sister took so many opportunities to punish me. But I m always thankful to them that they are giving me shelter, food and education. Sometimes I get hurt but it's OK. But I don't have any complaints. He gave me my life my Raj. As we all know that God give you the thing you desired the most when you least expected. Raj understands me what more I need in my life. He trusts me. He loves me. He cares for me. I have seen his lovee for me in his eyes. See Raj love has made me sane! I was insane! I was egoistic but you taught me to love
To live for others. My heart has many desires. Your voice is music to my ears. Your eyes are a beautiful world for me. Your smile heals all my pain. I don't know why nothing is easy without you. Why everything feel so incomplete without you.
I love you Raj!
Good night! Sweet dreams love!

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