Chapter 5

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Ahana Pov -

Every time I see him I just can't explain my feelings, because sometimes I feel happy, excited, mad and sad. Happy every time I'm with him and when he mingled with my family in our house.

             Ever yearn for something? Someone? Ever wait, hope, or crave for that one person to give you the time of  He had eyes of the black, dark brown yet clear; when I looked in them, I lost myself. He had short, black  hair that played the messy look very well. The first thing that caught my attention was his smile. When he smiled I always thought of the Colgate commercial: his smile was picture perfect. In addition, he would blush as he smiled making him appear shy and embarrassed. His veins ran close to the surface of his skin in the cheek area, giving the "I just got out of the cold" effect. It looked great on him.
             Another eye-catching attraction was his body; I had swimming to thank for that. His shoulders were square, like a soldier's shoulders standing upright. His abs were well defined, just as well as the rest of his body. At 5' 9", he was the ideal height for me. Having everything that made a girl's head turn, he was one of the most attractive young men in his high school . The problem was that he knew it.
             At first, I was in awe of him, but that soon changed. Young First love is always unforgettable and even more if it was a loss. I am glad it cannot happen twice having to feel “butterflies” through your stomach, well a burden I will say. There is no such thing as planning to fall in love with someone in specific. But his everything, his every word sounds  perfect.

Slowly and gradually time was flying by and the days without him (a glance of course.!) was miserable! He was unaware of my feelings and I was too afraid to speak out loud. So I suppressed my feelings deep inside me know h that it will hurt like hell.

Then she promoted her next grade and she started missing him a lot. One day at school, Ahana was talking with her friends at her school during the school break. While one of her friends asked her if she like Raj.. Ahana quickly covered her feelings and replied positively that she likes him as he is a good neighbor. Then her friend said that she too like him and Raj has fallen in love with one of our friends and wanted to be her's boyfriend. Ahana was broken inside but she recovered herself with a toothy smile . It’s so amazing when you find someone you love and who loves you back. But when that relationship ends and you’re single again, it’s difficult to remember that feelings aren’t always mutual. You never know how a relationship is going to go or if the other person’s feelings will match your own. Having an unrequited crush is an awful feeling and can bring back memories of high school awkwardness, but it’s bound to happen sometimes.
Same was the feeling for Ahana.. That day she didn't talk to anybody and went home quickly and cried her heart out. As she had expected a lot but everything was ruined in a single glance! She cried and drifted to sleep.

Well it's a bonus chapter for getting 400+views. I saw that the views are much more than the votes. Silent readers please kindly vote it. I will not update till my story gets 100+ votes. I know I m sounding clumsy and despo but trust me I have used a lot of efforts to write this story. And Iif I don't get my targeted votes. I will not update. I have already saved the next chapter in my draft but will not update any soon.
Love ya all!

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