Who the hell are you?

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"Sir, what the fuck?" I whine, spinning on my heel to face the teacher.

"What Stacey? If he's brave enough to stand at a bench with you while you're in possession of a saw or power tool, I'm not stopping him"

Rolling my eyes at my smartass teacher I turned to face the student that had taken over my personal space. It doesnt matter how hot he is, if he thinks he can get away with working at my bench he instantly isn't someone I like.

"What?" I snapped irritated by the way he was looking at me.

"You're hot when you're angry" He smirked "The names Miles by the way"

Resisting the urge to punch him I walked away to collect my job, which let me tell you is one heavy motherfucker. But then again most tables are. After dragging it out of the storage room and into the workshop, I got to work.

There's something about using a saw and a domino machine and a disc sander that I find extremely relaxing. The only thing putting me off was this new kid Miles. He spent the entire hour watching me, and I don't know whether to be creeped out or flattered. When the bell rang signalling the end of the period, the boys left the room in a hurry, well all except Miles, he stayed at the bench as I dragged my job back into storage.

As I left the room, Miles followed me out.

"So Stace, what class do you have now? Maybe we have the same one"

Instead of answering, I rolled my eyes at him and headed out of school grounds, I really needed a sesh, that fucker, Miles was really annoying and I needed a realise from the stress.

I trekked it up the hill to my favourite place, couches. One of the communal bonghuts. It was originally just a couch and a rock but over the years it progressed to, two couches, a table, a computer chair, a mattress, and of course the rock. I knew that one of the boys would be up soon so I sat on my couch (which was of course the better one. Black leather) and pulled out my chop up bowl, bottle of water, jet lighter and packet of smokes. The boys had the bong and weed.

Jaye and Luca were the first two up, they sat down next to me on the couch as Rick walked up through the bushes.

"Where's Adam?" Luca questioned.

"He's busy, dunno how long he'll be, I mean I think he only takes like 5 minutes" Rick answers with a wink.

Grabbing Ricks bag from him, I rummaged through it, finding the two tenners and his hairdresser scissors. Once they were on the table Luca threw his 'Genie' bong at me, catching it I dumped it on the table, grabbed a smoke for spin and started chopping up. While I was doing that, Jays filled the bong with water and grabbed my party CP from my pencil case. Once the chopping up was finished, and the cone was packed and ready I placed my mouth to the bong, lit the cone and pulled it slowly, milking it as much as I could, when then cone was finished I released the shotty and took the ghosties.
I held the smoke id inhaled as I passed the bong to whoever had ended up to my right. I released the smoke I was holding as Adam walked up and smiled to me. We stayed like that for the rest of the period, smoking cones and laughing at the dumbest things.

When the bell rang for the end of second period Jaye and Luca stood and began walking in the opposite direction of the school
'We're heading home, can't be fucked going back to school now' they yelled at the same time as they disappeared into the trees.
As the left so did Rick, who just nodded at as and trekked it back to school.
That left Adam and me to pack up everything. We put the genie bong back into its plastic bag and placed it inside the broken side if the leather couch, no one ever finds it there. After putting everything into our bags, we sat back and looked at each other before starting to laugh.
Not to long after my giggles were cut short by Adams lips on mine, smiling I kissed him back as he pushed me down on the couch and laid on top of me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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