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You fucked up

You're wrong

You fucked up big time

It was a success

I have always been by you, you know?

Have you really been beside me?

I thought we were friends

I thought so too

But you didn't even open up

You never let me

I would've listened to you

Yet you never did

Now you fucking left me alone to wonder in this shitty ass place called life

It's always about you

For fucks sake I thought we would always support each other dude

Shut up you hypocrite

You always wanted to be the center of shit

You never let me see my problems as it is

You never listened to comfort

You listened to dominate

You wanted to fucking one up my damn problems

How was I supposed to express anything to you?

I wanted to feel nothing

To ease this damn chaos in my fucking mind

I wanted to comfort myself, not you

I wanted to be selfish for once

This shit was inevitable dude

It was hopeless from the start

I guess we never geniunely understood each other

It was only you

You never tried to understand me

Most of all

No one noticed anything

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