Day 1: July 1st 2028

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Avia's POV:

Today is the first day. The day Emmi moves in.

She finally is back from a couple years of college, but she wanted to take a break for her spring semester. So I offered to let her come stay with me in my tiny apartment.

She doesn't really care that she isn't living in the large house she dreamed of when she was a kid, but it's what works. We just really want to spend quality sister time together.

Emmi's POV:

I finally made it to my sister's apartment. It's small, but it will do.

Nobody really knows the real reason I wanted to move, though.

I honestly love college. It's amazing. But one part of it wasn't.


Keith was my boyfriend for the last couple of years. My family knew that. But what they didn't know was something I had just found out.

"Hey Av!" I ran up and have my sister a big hug like we used to when we were younger. "How's Nick" I asked curiously. My sister has an obsession with boys.

"He's good. We were going on a date tonight, but
I rather spend it with you."

I felt like an intruder. Here my sister was. Trying to work on her 3rd relationship of the year and I was going to ruin it.

"Sorry.." I spoke.

My sister hugged me, knowing how I felt. Cause that same story happened to us 7 months ago. Just the roles were reversed.

"I have to tell you something that you can't tell anyone. Mom, Dad, no one. Okay?!" I needed to tell someone something and I trysted Avia. She was my only sister. We were practically inseparable as kids.

"Yeah, what's up?! How's Keith?" She asked curiously.

"That's actually what I have to talk to you about." I took a seat on her couch as she brought me a glass of water.

"Oh no. Did he break up with you?" She put the glasses of water on the coffee table in front of the couch and gave me a tight squeeze.

"Ow!" I said, trying to hold in my pain. Avia looked at me with a puzzled expression.

"Emmi, what's wrong?!" I didn't know how to tell her. Do I just say it? Do I write it on a piece of paper? Should I whisper it to her?

"Umm. I don't know how to tell you this. I really don't." I looked down at my hands. "You are going to be an aunt" I said under my breath.

"Are you serious!!!" She took the news way better than I though. "Does Keith know?" I shook my head.

"That's why I left."

"I still can't believe it. I am so happy!!! How are you going to tell everyone?"

"I honestly have no idea." I began to pace back and forth. "I've been looking for cute ideas online. I think I'll have two different ones for the family and for Keith."

"I agree. OMG. I still can't believe this. How many months pregnant are you?!"

"I don't know."

"Well, we have to find out. Let's go to the doctor. Let's go let's go let's go!!" Avia grabbed her car keys and my hand and we were off to the doctors.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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