The Day

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a/n: Hi everyone! I just thought you might want to know that this story takes place after the Elite Levels, about three years after they graduate! Enjoy!

Sophie Foster woke up and a thought hit her. She groaned as she flopped back on her bed. She knew she had to get up. She didn't want to, but after 5 minutes, she did. She asked her mom to take her shopping for a dress. She wanted to impress the boys. One in particular. 

When she and Edaline, her adopted mom, came home she went upstairs to her room to change. She had Vertina, her spectral mirror, with her gold speckled eyeliner, and put her hair in a knot at the base of her neck with a braid. She asked Vertina how she looked, Vertina was impressed. She walked out the door with two-inch heels with dark pink butterflies that matched the pattern on the dress. 

When she got there. She saw Biana and Keefe immediately. They spotted her a moment after. They ran up and hugged her. Fitz wasn't there. When she asked Biana, they said he couldn't come, so he picked up his list a couple of hours later because he had something else he needed to do. She assured Sophie that he would be at Havenfiled later when they looked at their lists. Dex had to watch the triplets, so he also picked up his list earlier, Biana promising he would also be at Havenfiled. 

 Biana went first. She got her list and came back out. Keefe was next. He walked in and smiled over his shoulder as he walked in the door. A couple of minutes later he walked out with a perfectly rolled-up scroll in his hand.  Sophie was last. She took a deep breath and went to get her list. She handed in her packet and they printed her list. She walked out with her head held high, that was until she tripped. 

  She got home and was tempted to take a peek. She shook her head, and hid her scroll away from her troublesome imp. She changed and headed downstairs to keep herself busy. She saw Silveny and Greyfell had come to visit. She spent the next couple of hours flying with them. Along with their twins, Wynn and Luna. The next thing she knew, it was sundown. She went up to her room to shower and change. When she finished and had done her hair, she changed into an ice blue tunic, with navvy leggings. She went upstairs and grabbed her list. She went downstairs to find Biana, Dex, Fitz, and Keefe. 

"Everyone opens at the same time and reads from the bottom up. Got it?", Biana asked as soon as everyone had downed as much Mallowmelt, Ripplepuffs, and as many other desserts s they could. 

"1 2 3... Go!" Keefe shouted. He already had his bow undone and was reading his list. Sophie opened her list and started looking at all of her matches. She got to 40 before she saw anyone she knew.  Her number 40 was Dexter Alvin Dizznee.  That was weird, they were cousins. She kept reading up and saw that Tam Song was her number 27. That was creepy because they knew who they liked, and it wasn't each other. She kept reading until she hit her top ten. Fitz was her number 7. Weird. He thought that they were going to be number one and two. 

"I'm done!" Keefe shouted as he finished reading the last name he had on his list. Sophie had also just finished along with everyone else. She was surprised that Keefe Sencen was her number two. By the look he was giving her, she could tell that she was up there, too. 

Everyone was silent. 

"Ok... So let's play a game. You have to ask one person who is their number nine or something. It just has to be the top ten. Once someone asked your question, you have to ask something else. Got it?" Biana asked. They all nodded. 

"Who wants to go first? I volunteer Sophie!" Biana added at the last second. Everyone nodded with her so she went. 

"Keefe, who's your number three?" She asked. She just picked a random number. Keefe looked sheepish as he answered the question. 

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster," he said as he held up the list. She wasn't shocked. She could tell she was up there, just not that up there. 

"Ummm. Keefe, you go, " Biana said trying to get rid of the awkwardness that came like a wave crashing on the beach. 

"Ok, Fitzipoo, who's your number six?" Fitz looked disgusted, she wasn't sure if it was at the nickname or the name on his list. 

"Stina Heks," Fitz said, his face contorting in a look of disgust. Everyone now knew that he was disgusted, not by the nickname, but the name on his list. Everyone started to laugh, and soon Fitz joined in. 

"Ok, ok. Biana, who is your number 2?" Fitz asked as he recovered from his laughing fit. 

"Dexter Alvin Dizznee. Cool! ", excitement clear in her voice. She grinned.  Dex blushed. Sophie laughed. 

"Dex, who's your number five?" Biana asked as she gave him a pointed look. 

"You. Biana Vacker," Dex and Sophie laughed harder than everyone else. Everyone knew that Dex had never been a fan of the Vackers. 

"Well, that worked out," Sophie said. It was getting late, everyone said that they had to go home. Keefe stayed a second longer. 

"Hey, Foster. I was wondering if, I don't know, maybe you'd like to go out with me?" She blushed. She was sure her face was tomato red. It looked like Keefe mirrored her. 

"Yes. That would be great. How about Atlantis, at 3:15?" Sophie asked, picking a time that would work for her, too. Keefe grinned. 

"It's a date, Foster. It's a date," Keefe was still grinning as the light pulled him away.  She was so happy, she ran up to her room and flopped on her bed. She was going out with Keefe Sencen!  She couldn't wait for tomorrow to come.  

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