Fitz's Mistake

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Once she got herself together and went outside, she realized she was late because Keefe was already playing with Wynn and Luna. 

"Sorry, I'm late. I had some stuff to take care of," she said as convincingly as she could, but she knew it wasn't nearly as convincing as she wanted it to be. 

"Ok, first. When will you learn you can't lie to an empath? Second, why is there a blood-stained bandage on your shoulder?" he said, and he sounded generally concerned, so she told him everything, from coming home to bandaging her wound. His expression twisted more angrily with every word that came out of her mouth. After she finished, Keefe got up to pace. 

"Keefe calm down. It's not that important. It's just a scratch," she said trying to reason with him. 

"Let me see. Then I'll decide what to do," he said so sincerely, so she pulled back her tunic and undid the bandage. 

"What do you mean? That's deep. I'll go get Edaline," he got up and left. Wynn came back over snuggled after he left. She was grateful for the friend. A couple of minutes later Edaline and Keefe came back. Edaline came back with a medical kit, and Keefe came back with Iggy, her troublesome Imp. He flew over and landed on her good shoulder. Her adopted mom treated the wound and hailed Grady, who was on an assignment from the Council. Grady was an Emissary, who did the Councils classified assignments and they are second to the Council. He said that he would be home as soon as possible. Then she threw her arms around Edaline and thanked her for helping them. Then she left them alone. 

"Thanks, Keefe. You were great," and she meant it. He handled the situation like a pro. He looked at it, got a trusted adult and made her mom trust him. That was a great step in their relationship. 

"Anytime. Just don't get hurt like that. I'll make sure that Alden knows what happened," he sighed. 

"I don't think my mom would be ok with me flying today. We could do something else though," and she had an idea. 

"What did you have in mind?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. 


A couple of hours later, they were done baking all of their snacks and went out under the Panakes tree, which was on the other side of the property. They walked over there holding hands, in warm clothes and with a picnic basket. Keefe was carrying the Stellarscope. After a couple of hours, they bottled enough light to make a delicate and glowing circle. Both of them settle under the Panakes tree. They stayed up until 4:30 in the morning. They had one of the best nights they've ever had. 

When Sophie woke up, Keefe was gone. She thought he had left, but he came back a few moments later with a tray of Butterblasts and two mugs of Cinnacreme. She smiled. He was such an amazing person. He sat down and gave her a mug and one of the three pastries on the tray. She carefully sipped from her mug and took a bite of her deliciously buttery, flaky and sweet pastry. She took a deep breath. 

"Thanks. You're the best. How'd you sleep?"She asked as she wrapped her hands around her mug. 

"I slept well. Something about this tree is super comforting," He said, looking up. She nodded. This Calla's Panakes tree. Proof she sacrificed herself for her people, so they wouldn't be hurt by the plague that the ogres unleashed on them. 

They both had finished their Butterblasts, and both eyed the last one, and they lunged for it. Keefe having longer arms grabbed it first. He split it in half, handing her the bigger one. 

"What should we do today?", Keefe asked. She shrugged.

"Meet me in the dessert cafè, the one in Atlantis, in three hours. We should be cleaned up by then. How does that sound?", she asked. 

"Perfect. It's a date, Foster," he said with his trademark smirk. 

"It's a date, Lord Hunkyhair," she said, with a huge grin. He helped her put all of the stuff away, and then hugged her. They said their goodbyes, and she ran upstairs, thinking about how lucky she was to have a guy like Keefe. 

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