The Ball - Part One

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Hey all who care enough to give this a chance, you the real mvp. Anyways, this is my first Wattpad story, sooo I hope you all like it. Any sort of constructive criticism would be much appreciated, and um shameless self advertising is okay with me (just don't piss off the public). This is a new thing for me, making stories from lucid dreams, so I hope it turns out well, and if not, I have plenty of others that are soon to come.

Now allow me to shut the bloody hell up and tell the story.

X - X - X

~Third Person~

"Quit complaining, my boy, the festivities are yet to commence! Think of all the food, fine wines, and dare I say fine ladies~" An old round fellow says as he adjusts his pants in front of a full length mirror. Right beside him stands his son, who is much taller than he; who is fidgeting with his attire.

"Father, please, I'd much rather not speak so lustfully of our soon to be guests, especially since they'll also be my fellow peers..." The boy says, allowing a few hand butlers tend to his suit. His father lets out a slightly intoxicated chuckle.

"My boy, you have much to learn if you haven't started bouncin' around as your mother would call it..." He says, turning to put two rough hands on the shoulders of his son, which was quite a sight since they had such a large height difference.

"Your mother would've been proud to see you here tonight." He says in a rather hushed tone, earning a small smile from his pragmatic son.

"Thank you, father."

"Sire, your presence is needed in the main hall, it appears that guests have begun to arrive." A maid says, ignoring their father-son moment.

"Yes, yes, I'll be but a minute longer." He waves her off before turning back to his son.

"I understand you don't want any extra attention, so I notified the guards that you would like to keep your lineage a secret." He whispers, putting his index finger to his lips.

"Got out through the back and enter with the crowd." His son nods before making a quick exit.

"And wait, William- have a little fun tonight, just this once." He begged. His son replied with a smirk and a gesture that read, "Aye aye, captain". The man chuckles once more, now alone in his dressing room.

"And so it begins."


Earlier that day...

"Princess! Oh, princess, you must get up now, the ball will commence shortly!" A maid hurriedly shook a pile of sheets on top of a large wooden bed. She put her hands on her hips when she finally heard a moan through the pile.

"Just five more minutes..." The princess mutters.

"No, princess, you need to get up now, or you'll miss half the ball!" She exclaims.

"I already told you, Josephine, I'm not a princess..." She rose from her slumber, hair matted and wild despite the short nap.

"Not yet, but as your betrothal has gone public, you need to start acting as if you are one now." She tugs ferociously at the sheets, making the bed quickly.

"Now, now, your dress is in there, I trust you won't have trouble getting into your bodice this time, Miss Aris?" The maid pushed, or rather shoved, the princess into her changing room. Still groggy, Aris nearly fell over on her way over and landed in a chair, to which she dozed back off in.

"Sigh, whatever are we to do with you, young lady..."

"Is... this seriously what I am to wear tonight?" Aris holds up the velvety red dress with pink detail and gold trim in front of her. She had an extreme disliking for standing out in such an outfit. She'd much rather sit through the whole event in a beige suit for all she cared.

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