Y/N Profile and Pseudo Prologue

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Talon Headquarters, Rome

May 23rd, 2064

11:14 pm

Maximilian POV

"How may I help you Sir Maximilian?" asks the Talon secretary as she stopped whatever she was doing to focus on me

"Pull whatever file you can get from a person called 'the Black Kaiser' and the N.W.R" I ordered

Our headquarters was just recently attacked by a black-winged man that called himself 'the Black Kaiser' with some N.W.R agents. They almost overwhelmed us but thankfully Akinjide and Antonio's forces came just in time.

With just five agents, they completely overwhelmed us... they're too dangerous. The rest of the Inner circle should know about this and the threat that they oppose.

"Should I send it into you sir?" asks the secretary

"Yes, I'll handle the rest" I replied and left the secretary to go back to Monaco

Black Kaiser.pdf received

NWR.pdf received

Let's see who this Black Kaiser is shall we?

Y/N Blackwood
(Black Kaiser)

Y/N Blackwood(Black Kaiser)

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Birthday: Mar 12, 2040

Place of Birth: Johannesburg, South Africa

Age: 24

Height: 193 cm (6'4 in freedom measurements)

Weight: 91 kg (202 pounds)

Aliases: Black Kaiser, Umzingeli, Pretty Boy, Raven, Artyom Dasovich, The Sexcutioner

Information: Y/N Blackwood the secret owner of N.W.R (New World Resources) and most known by the gun for hire world as the 'Black Kaiser'. Y/N was found and raised by an African hunter named Luan Ogande after his parents were killed due to the Johannesburg Civil War of 2040. At the ripe age of 4, Y/N got to taste the essence of battle, a hale storm of bullets tear through his village killing everyone except Luan and Y/N. At the age of 6, he felt the thrill of shooting a gun. At the age of 9, Y/N took his first life. His knowledge of being a hunter, his natural talent, and combined with the experience of countless battles made him what he is today, the 'Black Kaiser'




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