🔍The meeting of the Detective and the Witness

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It was a silent noon at the Detective's office. No sound could be heard except the ticking of the brown clock that echoed across the room.

The Witness would be here by any minute. The Detective had written her a letter, or rather an invitation, and made sure she received it.

Len sat at his office, feet laid upon the table's wooden surface, a glass of wine in hand and his head touching the black leather of his chair. All that in a delicate way.

And as he had expected, a knock was heard at the door.

'It must be the witness' he thought.

"Who may it be?" he asked, even though he knew.

"Kagene Rin" was the muffled response Len heard.

"You may enter" he replied.

And without any single second going to waste, the door was open. Revealing a gorgeous girl, with shoulder-length golden hair with a large white bow resting on her head. She had sparkling blue eyes, but nonetheless a blank expression.
She was dressed neatly in a black long-sleeved dress that complimented her petite figure just right.

And by that time, she was standing in front of the Detective.

"Please sit. We don't want such a pretty girl as you getting tired."

"Yes. Thank you." she replied coldly without any emotion.

"So, I suppose you have heard about the two crimes that occurred these past few days, am I correct?"


"My name is Kagamine Len, and I'm here to solve these cases to the bit, and find out who the culprit is."

"Alright... What did you need me for?" Rin asked cautiously.

"Help me solve the riddles of course! You're the only witness after all..." Len said while a smirk could be seen across his face.

"Right. Please go on"

"To begin with, the man that died at his office must be your father, am I false?"

"No, you're not. Please go on"

"Alright, so there are three ways he could have possibly died. He could have drank the poisoned wine first and then someone stabbed him with the knife. He-"

"That's false."

"Excuse me?"

"Please go on"

And so he did.

"Secondly he could have been stabbed by the knife first without drinking any of the wine"

"That's false."

"May I know why exactly it's false?" Len asked raising an eyebrow.

"Weren't more than one glasses on my father's desk? And wasn't his only half-full?"

"Yes, you are correct. But how do you know that?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"And lastly he could have committed suicide on  his own and then being stabbed by another person."

"That's again false."

"How are you so sure? What about the people that drowned in the sea? Were they pushed? Perhaps stabbed and pushed?" Len asked highlighting the stabbed part.

"Again false."

"Who is the culprit?"

"I don't know."

"I am sure you do. It all happened in front of your eyes! Who is the one that should take the blame? Say it!"

" I don't know"

"Say it! Say the name of the person you're looking at!"

"You're not the culprit."

At that moment Rin had figured out what the Detective was planning. And so she pulled out a silver knife out of her pocket and rushed to the Detective.

Suddenly, her attempt of killing the Detective was stopped by the Detective himself. His one and mighty arm had caught hers in a tight grasp. While his coat had fallen as he got up from his chair. Which revealed his other non existent arm.

"Y-you were the one who saved me..."
Rin mumbled.

"Indeed, that would be me. But as if for now, we have a mystery to solve."

"You're not the culprit!" Rin raised her tone at Len, who was now playing with a glass of wine. The same wine her father was drinking when he got poisoned.

"Say it! Say the name of the person you're looking at!"

"Say it or else I'll kill you!"

By that moment Rin's grasp of the knife had weakened and the knife fell down on the floor with a clatter. She couldn't reach it though, as Len was still holding her tightly.

"Come on, who's the culprit dear? Say the name that could only be mine!"

"But you can't say there's only one answer here."

"You're not the Detective."

"And you're not the Witness."

"I poisoned his wine." Len whispered at Rin's ear softly.

"And I stabbed him" Rin admitted.

"The detective, the witness and the culprit are all one person. And that person has seen it all. Right in front of his eyes and tried to solve this case with us, right? Reader?" Rin asked and giggled softly.

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