Part II: On our Way

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Chapter 12
Backstage Pass

"These boys are blowing up

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"These boys are blowing up."
-Reed Benson, stage manager

A month after forming as a band, in the fall of 2016 we went on our very first tour. We'd make some killer music. We'd amassed a solid social media following. It was time to put the two together live! We piled into a ten-seater van driven by Jon, with his wife, Stacy, as navigator, and performed anywhere anyone would let us. Malls, theaters, street corners, a bowling alley bar-wherever we went barely a hundred kids showed up, though one show at an ice cream shop had girls spilling out of the joint. Mmm, cookie-dough ice cream.

The tour was grueling. We drove through the night, a few times in pitch-black snowstorms, to get out next gig. The van was so crowded with people and equipment, we slept with our knees folded into our chests. It was nuts! But you know what? It didn't matter how many people came, it was THE BEST feeling in the world. It was the first time we experienced the happy vibes of an audience together. We looked at the crowd and saw that our songs were uplifting their spirits. It was like, WOW, they're here for us. It was a total adrenaline rush.

By the time we did our second tour, in the summer of 2017 to promote our second EP, Something Different, something major had shifted. We'd booked larger venues, but still didn't expect much. Our show was still pretty basic, a few flashing lights and five black stools to sit on while we sang onstage. When we arrived at our gig in Buffalo, a huge line of girls was waiting behind a black curtain. When we walked by, they FREAKED OUT. We knew it was going to be an interesting night! When the announcer introduced Why Don't We to start the show, the whole arena exploded in a deafening roar. Everyone knew us. We took out our earbuds to soak in the cheers of the crowd. During the show, we put our mics out and the crowd knew every single word of every song. It was insane.

 It was insane

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Why Don't We: In the LimelightWhere stories live. Discover now