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as the sea of stars outside the see though window, cars crossing by but when not sound.street light on the side walk, not an single sound was heard .

As Amane got into his bed, ready for the dreamworld to take him away. he closed his eyes then everything start to change.


Amane slowly opened his eyes, looking around where he was , then he relised .

he was in an toliet.

he was thinking why everywhere but here, what is so importent about this place, where he often need to give up his own after school time just to cleant the toilet. but when he looked around and the left side of his eyes sported his outfit, he doesn't have his school uniform instead an very old black and red outfit that looks like hanako-san's , as he found it confusing , he scrach his head, but as he was trying to do that , he found that there was an black cap on his head, he toke it off . the cap looks like hanako-san yet diffent .

hanako-san's cap have red flower rippon and clip that look like horn instead of just rippons and golden button he was trying to stand but instead he was floating , he was shocked

'okay what kind of dream is this?'¡@¢ð¢í¡@¢ü¢ð¢÷¢ý¢ï¢ð¢ü

"hanako—kun!"an girls voice was heard from the outside of the toliet, he remembered that it sound like yashiro-san's voice but why did she called him hanako-kun instead of Amane , did she got it wrong.

"hanako-kun what's wrong? why are you not answering me?" she asked look into his eyes , as he flush, he push her away.

"hanako-kun?" she asked sounded like she is hurt.

"uh-um sorry but y-you're too close.." he said shyly.

"umm okay, sorry hanako-kun ...i didn't mean it " her head was looking down, may suggest that she feels really asame of herself , which caused Amane an bit of guilt.

"uh i didn't mean it that way , don't feel bad" he comfort her .

"hanako-kun ... you have been acting so weird , did something happened? usually by now you will be teasing me or something?" she asked

"i'm not acting weird, i'm just confused.." he said looking out the window, then he noticed that the outside of the school look so much more different then now his's school, even though it's the same toilet and school but the side walk of this , is so much more old yet beautiful. this reminded him of those romance shows and often have cherry blossoms in there and here it is .

"umm what year is this?" amane asked towards yashiro.

"huh i thought you knew? is it because you have been in the toilet over 50 years that's why?" she teased him but in return , Amane grabed her sholders.

"WHAT? I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 50 YEARS??!?!" he yelled.

"uh umm yea .... you know that right? why do you act so surprised  ?" she was scared , really scared . why would suddenly hanako-kun acted so weird as if...........he losed his memory...

"this year is 2014 ..." she said quietly couldn't bear that hanako-kun is going to scream again, and she was right.

"WHAT 2014???!!! BUT I WAS FROM 2064!!"he yelled, 

"okay , hanako—kun are you okay?do you have something in your mind you want to talk about it? i will always be there for you." she hugged him showing the friendship between them , but at this situation , amane only feel scared and embarrassed.

"yashiro-san?" he ask still not looking at ber.

"yes?" she repliled

"i-i'm not from this timeline" he said

"what do you mean?" She tilted her head
"Hanako-kun , this is no time for a joke you know?" She said
"No I'm being serious ! I'm not from this timeline " he put his hand on her shoulder
"Are you playing with me hanako-san?" He said still looking at her suspiciously .
"What? What do you mean , your the one with the magical things , how can I change you to different timeline?" She replied, as she said that Amane look on the bathrooms floor disappointed , Yashiro looked at him and start to feel guilty for talking rudely at him.
"Let's got found Tsuchigomori Sensei ! He have been here for an while maybe he knows what to do!" She said as she drag him out of the toilet .
"Uh.wait!" He yelled trying to caught her attention.
"What?" She said turned her head back from where they were .
"I...I still don't know how does this flying thing work yet , can we go slower...please?" he looked up to her eyes and she start to blush, the hanako-kun she knows never does this looking at her so innocent and cute, it was like he was an baby that she need to babysit.

"Umm..okay sorry about that" she laughed it off and start to walk slowly.
"So.." she breaks the awkward silence between both of them .
"How does your timeline look like ?"
"It looks like here but everything is much more....new?" He said looking at her .
"Is Kou-kun there? " she asked but only received an strange look from Amane .
"Sorry to say this but....who is Kou-kun?" He said questioning her .
"O-oh his not there.... what could probably happened to him..." she looked worried almost like she was about to cry.
"H-hey don't cry , it's okay ! He probably is fine but just old," he tried to cheer her up by telling jokes.
"Y-Yea your right! " she said smiling which gave an wired feeling to Amane .
"Is Tsuchigomori Sensei in your timeline ?" She asked an other question .
"Yea...wait does that mean he is like over 80 years old??" He said
"Yea...adding the fact that hanako-kun said Tsuchigomori Sensei was his teacher when he was sliced when is 1964..... so Probably guessing that from hanako-kun time and adding your time , he is over 100+ years old . ..."silence..
"Pftt hahaha" both of them laughed together .
"Oh can you imagine getting teaches by the same thing over and over again ?" She said
"Yea , I know right"
"How old are you Amane-kun?" She asked
"I'm 15 years old !" He said smiled with the joy in his heart .
"I'm older then you for one year" she said
"You're 16?!?" He asked suppressed
"Hey what do you mean by that?" She yelled but very cute
"I mean like your so cute for an 16 years old that is what I mean ...heh..." he looked away
"Aww really " she smiled .
"Y-Yea! Really......" then we have reach the teacher office room.
Yashiro put her hand up and
Knock knock
She opened the door and we saw Tsuchigomori Sensei sitting at his table smoking .
"Sensei ? Can we come in?"
"Yea what's the matter" he looked down on them
" so um hana-I mean Amane-kun from the future seemed to have swapped with hanako-kun in this timeline"
"Are you two pulling an prank on me?" Tsuchigomori Sensei eyeing Amane and looked at in the eye, giving an really angry stare , which made Amane float behide Yashiro like she was an shield.
"Amane-kun?" She said looking at her back and seeing Amane shaking .
"It's okay he won't hurt you " he still don't trust her due to the experience he just had , Yashiro can tell so she hugged him and pat his back.
  "There there it's okay ...okay?" This made Amane blush and hug back , he really like the warmth that she is giving him due to often when hanako-san hugged him it's more likely very cold then warmth because she's.......dead.

"So you came from an other timeline ?"
"Y-yes sir!" He shouted .
"Yashiro-san , just hit his head as hard as you can , those film often talk about how to make them go back to to hit their head "
  "W-what I won't do that, that's rude!"
  "How many times have you butthead honourable no.7 ?"
  "Just think of him as honourable no.7 and butthead him." He turning back to his work and start to read the paper again.
   "I-I'm Sorry Amane-kun!"
    "W-what?" She then grab his shoulders
   "This may hurt a bit" she then toke an breath and slam her forehead with his.
    Then everything turned black...

    Amane finally woke up on his bed and thinking of what happened , but his glad to be back to his house and his life, he is still wondering .....
Is he hanako-kun the one Yashiro-san was talking about . As he check his time ,he was late. It was 8:15 he only have fifteen minutes to get to school .
     He rushed out of bed and start to wear his uniform and brush his teeth , then he grab an toasted and start to running to school.

Hanako san of the toilet (地縛少年花子くん/ toilet bound Hanako-kun AU ) by huuuuuuhkWhere stories live. Discover now