part 7

120 5 0

(a/n: chisato would be me im paranoid as hell)


is it you?


what makes you say that

is it?

i don't even type in uppercase

so it is?

fuck i can't help it

i like you a lot kaoru

i'm sorry i went as far as to make an unknown number

i didn't know what else to do

you were so intrigued 

i want you to be intrigued at me, chisato, but it took an unknown number for that

i'm really sorry

don't be

seriously, don't

but why not just tell me straight up?

cause i couldn't

i'm not the brutally honest chisato i am when i'm around u

i'm just a shy chisato

you make me so nervous, kaoru

my heart goes insane when i'm with you or even if i think about you

which is why i act so cold around you

i've covered it up for a while

please don't be mad

that's sweet of you

i'm not mad

just kind of surprised

i was intrigued on meeting the girl

guess i know who she is now lmao

are you disappointed?

i wouldn't say disappointed

my desperate self just got interested in an unknown number


damn i feel bad for saying that

don't be, it's really fine

if it makes you feel any better, i'm sure i could like you in no time!

you shouldn't have to try to like me

i said it's fiiine don't worry about it

honestly i don't want you to like me back

why not?

i don't want to date

let me rephrase that

i don't want to start something with you and have all burn down in the end. nothing would be the same after we break up

what if we didn't break up?

come on now

you don't even like me

but i could!

no, kaoru

let me try


we'd be so cute together

you're really trying to flirt right now?

no i'm just stating the facts

oh shut up


ughh fuck you

i'll think about it

woohoo ☺️

three months

i'll give you three months to sort out your feelings for me

if you like me in all those three months and if i still like you, then we'll date

if not, then no

simple as that

fair enough

i'm looking forward to it:)


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