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(LPS stands for little protection services )
"I'm so sorry Yeeun, please forgive me"


Minho sat on Twice's couch hugged Yeeun tighly, giving her multiple kisses on the cheek. He didn't wanna leave her. Minho knew that what he had done was illegal and against company rules but abandoning someone that just made him so happy was something he couldn't do.

Then the terrible knock at the door came.

Sana threw a sad look at Minho as she took Momo by the hand and ushered the little into the other room and told her to play in there. He then went to the door and opened it to see Bang Chan.

Of course the two hugs and greeted each other being friends and all but then Bang Chan laid his eyes on Minho who was sitting on the couch holding Yeeun tightly.

"It's time to go, we need to take her back" Bang Chan said with absolutely no emotion.

"But hyung just"

"No you've broken too many rules, it's time to say goodbye"

Minho nodded and went to put Yeeun down but she wouldn't let go.

"No daddy don't weave pwease" She began to tear up, clinging onto Minho tightly.

"Yeeun it's okay I'll come back for you later sweetheart" Minho says kissing her cheek and slowly convincing her to let go.

The three walked out of Twice's and outside were LPS workers.

"You said that we were going to take her to the police station" Minho went to grab Yeeun's hand but a worker was already pulling her away.

"I didn't wanna take any chances" Bang Chan sighed watching Minho's eyes turn said as he watched Yeeun being taken away.

Minho crumped down. He stood in shock for a second before falling down to his knees and sitting on the group, his eyes began to water.

Bang Chan looked down at him sadly. He knew that he had to do this Minho for his own good.

"It's for the best" He said helping him up and leading him back to the car. Minho walked along silently, still processing what had happened. The two got to the car but Minho didn't get in.

"Seriously Minho, I'm not in the mood just get in"

"Fuck off"

Minho started to walk away but Chan pulled him back, causing the two to struggle back and forth before Chan subdued him and forced him inside the car.


Meanwhile the other members anxiously awaited the two to come back in the dorm.

"I swear I didn't mean to spill everything" Felix said, his face red from all the crying he had done earlier. Chan had all yelled at them which was something he hadn't done before. They had broken tons of rules and even held secrets that could have gotten the band disbanded if JYP had found out.

"It's alright Felix, we understand" Seungmin said patting his back lightly.

The door to the dorm opened and in stepped Minho and Bang Chan. No one said anything but they could tell that something had gone on. Minho shuffled into the dorm and took of his shoes, the members turned to look at him but all they saw was his tear stained and emotionless face. He looked at them and gave a tiny smile before going into him and Jisung's room and closing the door.

"We will all have a talk about this later" Bang Chan said quietly before going into his room.

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