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"Yeeun come on sweetheart, someone's here for you,"

Yeeun whined as one of the nannies gently pulled her up from the spot where she had been sitting and playing. She took hold of the nanny's hand and walked along with the woman into a room, her eyes lit up when she saw the person.

It was Sana unnie.

She ran toward her at full speed and gave huge hug. She then pulled back and looked around to see if Minho was with her but sadly Minho wasn't there.

"Come on I'm gonna take you home now." Sana smiled and grabbed the littles hand to lead her to go get her things."

"Is daddy coming too?" Yeeun asked quietly, looking up at Sana for a hopeful answer.

"Yeah he'll come back later."

Yeeun was estatic.

She quietly ran to go get her things and say goodbye to all of her friends. 


"This is such a bad idea." Jeongin muttered as he and Felix hid in one of the practice room.

"Hopefully this actually works."

"We should have taken Seungmin, he's the only one with brain cells honestly." 

The two band members sat together crouched down in the corner hiding. Why were they hiding? Well Minho figured that if the youngest members weren't around the Bang Chan would go looking, well the youngest members minus Seungmin who was helping Minho. 

Jeongin was really on edge about this whole plan, he didn't think it would actually work.

Felix on the other hand was confident. He felt like this plan was going to allow everyone to be happy in the end.


"You got it from here right?" Sana asked Seungmin and Hyunjin as he gave Yeeun to the two members.

"Yeah we've got it covered," Hyunjin smiled as he picked up a smiling Yeeun and took her into the company building. The three walked around together, showing Yeeun the many pictures on the wall and entertaining her until Seungmin got a text from Minho.

"Stage two," Seungmin whispered to Hyunjin who nodded and set Yeeun down on a chair.

"We are going to go get Minho hyung okay." He told the little who squealed in delight and tried to get up to go with them.

"No no Yeeun you have to stay here and me and Seungmin will bring him, okay." Hyunjin told her. Yeeun didn't seem to like that because she whined a bit and just sat back on the seat quietly.

"We promise we will be back okay, so stay right here." Seungmin said as he and Hyunjin started to walk away, leaving the little by herself.

"This plan seems a little harsh doesn't it?" Seungmin questioned his hyung as he walked farther away from where Yeeun was, not even planning on coming back.

"A bit, but it will work out." Hyunjin confidently smiled as he texted Minho to tell him their progress. 


Bang Chan walked through the company confused.

He somehow managed to lose track off all of his members.

First Jisung pulled Changbin off somewhere to talk and they haven't come back since then.

Hyunjin and Seungmin said they'd be here practicing but he hasn't seen them.

God knows where Minho went.

And then Jeongin and Felix magically vanished. 

So as you can see being the group leader is one heck of a job.

Chan figured they would all show up later so he just went straight to his studio. On his way there he heard crying and soft whimpering noises. Even though he's seen his fair share of horror movies he didn't think to walk away from it so he went toward it. Once he found the source of the noise he saw that it was a girl crying. Chan just figured it was one of the trainee who's just got yelled at or something.

"Hey are you.." He started to ask but stopped once he saw the girl's face.

She was the little that Minho "technically" illegally adopted.

"How did you get here?" He questioned with a look of concern on his face.

The little babbled whines and words of gibberish that he couldn't really make out. So he grabbed her hand and led her to his studio which happened to be near by and helped her dry her face and calm her down.

"Now what's wrong ?" He asked again but no answer this time, just a glum looking little. He kinda felt bad so he pulled into a soft hug. That hug soon turned into a cuddle and before you know it Yeeun had fallen asleep.

Chan didn't hate littles, he actually loved them but he knew that adopting one might ruin their career.

"Maybe if I ask around I might be able to pull this off," He muttered to himself.


Jisung and Changbin stood outside of Chan's studio, looking inside.

"I told you he would warm up," Jisung smiled as he watched their leader from the outside.

"I already knew he would," Changbin laughed.

"You thought the plan would fail and he'd call the police."

"Yah! I knew what would happen shut up."

"Whatever hyung,"

I hope you are well during this time and I hope none of you are sick stay safe

and the book will end next chapter I think.

Little one - stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now