¶ Finally the poem

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I remember when I asked you why you loved me,

You told me you loved my smile,

How my lips would curl up graciously,

You said my lips were as cherries in blossom,

Plump, juicy and just perfect,

You said you just loved how my hands were,

How they fit beautifully in yours,

As though they were a missing piece moulded to fit into the jigsaw puzzle of your hands,

You said they were beautiful,

Scarless,markless, just perfect,

I remember you said you loved my face,

It was the perfect shape,

Had no trace of wrinkles,

And too flawless for make-up,

You said my legs were slender,

Smooth and nothing would seem more perfect,

Than mine and yours walking together on the aisle,

I remember you said you loved my hair,

How long and curly it was,

How it cascaded down my shoulders like a waterfall,

Nothing could be better than the black colour your hair flaunted you said,

You told me I was the right shape,

No need to be slimmer or fatter,

The epitome of perfect beauty,

I remember a tear dropped from my eyes,

You asked me what was wrong,

I said it was nothing,

But no,

It was something,

For a minute,

I actually re-thought whether you loved me,

Would you still love me if old age reduced the once cherry-like lips into thin lines,

Would you still love me if,

My hands carried scars,

Scars of untold pain,

Burns which speak the language the heart only understands,

Would you still say you love me,

When wrinkles grace my face,

Like writings telling you that my love grows deeper as the years passby,

Would you still love me,

When these legs grow fragile,

And can't walk along with you as you wanted,

Would that thing you're feeling still be called love,

When the black hair of my head grey,

And not even a single strand says youthfulness,

Would your heart still skip a beat,

If I walk down the stairs a pound huger and thicker than the usual,

That night,

After you told me why you loved me,

I couldn't help but walk back home with a heavy heart,

I thought you would have said you didn't know why and how you loved me,

I thought you would say I was beautiful inside,

I thought you would have said something more than my outward looks,

My outward looks which could deteriorate at any given moment,

That night I thought about Someone,

I thought about God,

He decided to love me not considering my looks,

He told me I was just the perfect one,

Not on the basis of my looks but my heart,

He said no matter how broken I was,

His love was just enough to mend it,

No matter how ugly I felt within,

His love provided enough beauty,

That night,

I left you with a perfect conviction,

A conviction that,

God's love is the only one true and perfect love.
                              Korkorgal 😘

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