Friends and Feelings

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*Lydia telepathically talking to animals*
*The weasel's thoughts*

After leaving Blaviken, Geralt and Lydia return to the woods to retrieve Roach, Geralt's gear, and Lydia's swords. They never spoke about the events that took place in town. Wordlessly handing Lydia back her locket, Geralt soon goes over to his horse, putting his gear on his back. Lydia knew what had happened in town had changed Geralt; he had become distant and withdrawn during their journey. They spent the next three months traveling from town to town, looking for any leads on Connor and Logan's whereabouts.

Geralt and Lydia suddenly stopped at the next town over and got a room at the inn there. The innkeeper asked Geralt what kind of room he wanted. To save the coin, he told the innkeeper that he wanted a single room with a hot bath. Her face started heating up. Lydia quickly covered her head with her hood so Geralt couldn't see her flushed cheeks. She soon walks out of the inn, going to the market to buy a new outfit, using the coin she got from helping Geralt with the last bounty.

The town was quite lively; none of the townspeople knew her, making it easier for Lydia to wander around without hearing people call her "the Beast of Blaviken." Lydia didn't mind being called that, but she hated it when people started calling Geralt "the Butcher of Blaviken." Even though he didn't show it, Lydia instantly knew that the name bothered him. Over the past three months, Lydia had found herself falling for Geralt. When he started distancing himself from her, it hurt Lydia very much.

Deciding that it would be better not to make things more complicated between them than they already were, Lydia kept her feelings for Geralt to herself. And it didn't help whenever the Witcher went to a brothel and later came back with another woman's scent on him. Despite the hurt that Lydia and the beast inside her felt, she'd continued hiding the pain. Aimlessly walking past four merchants, Lydia soon heard two voices in her head, crying for help. Searching for the source of voices, Lydia quickly returned to the second merchant she passed. Looking down, she finds two cute weasels inside a cage.

*Help us!*

*He's going to kill us*

*Please help*

*I must be hearing things*

*No, you're not. Now, please hurry before he skins us*

Not being able to ignore the weasels' pleas, Lydia spoke with the merchant.

"How much do you want for the two weasels?"

Lydia asked, studying the man.

"Twenty ducats each, Miss."

The merchant greedily says.

"I know these creatures are worth at least two ducats, so unless you want me to get the guards, you better take the coin I'm willing to give you for them."

Lydia calls the man out on his ridiculous prices.

"Fine! Take the little rats and never come back to this stall again."

The merchant said, accepting Lydia's coin.

"Pleasure doing business with you, bub."

Lydia triumphantly grins, taking the weasels with her as she walks away.

*Thank you for saving us. We're in your debt.*

The two weasels said as Lydia set them free.

Lydia expected them to scamper off somewhere, but the weasels climbed on her and perched on her shoulders instead.

*Do you two have names?*


The weasels thought sadly.

Looking at the brown male weasel, Lydia thought he looked like an Enzo. As for the white female weasel, Lydia dubbed her Ava.

*How about Enzo and Ava?*

Lydia gently pets them.

*Enzo? I like it*

Enzo chirped happily.

*Ava is a pretty name. I love it!*

Ava softly chirps, loving the name that Lydia gave her.

While Lydia was walking, she suddenly stopped when she heard a gruff, calm voice amusingly say,

"It was about time that someone put that bastard in his place. And who would've thought that a lovely woman such as you would be the one to do it? You have my thanks, my lady."

Standing before her was an attractive, shirtless man holding a bow. He had long, sandy blonde hair and stubble. There were a few scars on both of his arms and chest. His body was very well built. And the man towered over her. Holy shit! Not only is he tall, but he's also handsome. Lydia thought, trying not to stare at the man's body.

"Might I know your name?"

The man asked.


Lydia replied.

"Lydia. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

The mystery man smoothly says.

Lydia's cheeks flushed at the man's compliment.

"You already know my name, so it's only fair that you tell me yours."

Lydia pointed out.

"Tristan of Faymoor, Milady."

Tristan introduced himself.

"Well, Tristan, do you happen to know the name of this town?"

Lydia felt so embarrassed.

"You're in Dalhurst, Milady."

Tristan couldn't believe his luck; he was talking to the most stunning woman he had ever seen.

"How well do you know this town?"

Lydia wanted to see more of the town.

"I know this town well. Would you like me to escort you and show you more of Dalhurst?"

Tristan hoped that Lydia would say "yes."

"I'd like that. Thank you, Tristan."

Lydia couldn't wait to see the rest of Dalhurst and hopefully find a clothes shop and blacksmith.

Relaxing in the tub of hot water, thoughts of Lydia went through Geralt's mind. Ever since that day in Blaviken, his feelings for Lydia had soon changed. Whenever she wasn't around, Geralt couldn't stop worrying about Lydia. To calm his mind, Geralt would look for her. And rage filled him every time he saw another man flirt or touch her. He selfishly wanted Lydia to be his. Geralt wanted to wake up in bed with her in his arms every morning.

Geralt wondered when he started to care about the violet-eyed woman. His feelings for Lydia were new to him; Geralt had never cared about a woman as much as he did for Lydia. When did I begin to see her as something more than a client? Fuck! Geralt thought.

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